
(I'm french, sorry for poor english)

I have to send messages between 2 programs.
One is written in C++ (I'm not the author, but I work with him)
And the other in Rebol (It's my program, I can do what I want).

I have the SDK, and I call windows API.

Here is the C++ code that I have to write in rebol.

#1###### On loading:
MSG_AA_Send_P = RegisterWindowMessage("AA_Send_P");
MSG_AA_P_Ok = RegisterWindowMessage("AA_P_OK");
#2###### A button execute :
hAA = FindWindow(NULL, "AA");
SendMessage(hAA, MSG_AA_Send_P, 0, Code);

#3###### The Rebol program continue.
####### And, somewhere in a wait-event loop (I don't know where) :
{    case MSG_AA_P_Ok:
    {    ...

I've declare routines :

user32.dll:             load/library %user32.dll
aa:                     to-string to-local-file clean-path %../AA/aa.exe
RegisterWindowMessage:     make routine! [name [string!] return: [long]] 
user32.dll "RegisterWindowMessageA"
findwindow:             make routine! [class [int] name [string!] 
return: [int]] user32.dll "FindWindowA"
sendmessage:             make routine! [hWnd [integer!] Msg [integer!] 
wParam [integer!] lParam [integer!] return: [integer!]] user32.dll 
free-libs:             does [free user32.dll]

And I try to write a rebol code which works...

#1###### On loading:
msg-aa_send-p: RegisterWindowMessage "AA_SEND_P"
msg-aa_p_ok: RegisterWindowMessage "AA_P_OK"

I have to integer.
#2###### A button execute :
h-aa: FindWindow 0 "AA"
SendMessage h-aa msg-aa_send-p 0 20040001

If the prog AA is lauch, I have a integer, else 0.

#3###### The Rebol program continue.
####### And, somewhere in a wait-event loop (I don't know where) :
####### A test button for now:

either msg-aa_p_ok [
        print "1"
        print "2"

I've search in the web for exemple, but Rebol with API isn't so used...
And I feel that, there is type problems, but I don't find.

Thanks for helping. I'm lost in few lines :-(


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