1 lb. ground cooked ham
  1/2 c. soft bread crumbs
  2 tbsp. prepared mustard
  1/2 c. brown sugar
  1 egg
  1/4 c. onion, finely chopped
  1 med. acorn squash
  2 tbsp. softened butter

Combine ham, egg, crumbs, onions and mustard and form into 5
patties. Brown in hot fat. Remove from skillet. Cut squash
crosswise into 5 rings, halve. Place in skillet and season.
Add 2 or 3 tablespoons water. Combine brown sugar and
butter. Dot over squash. Cover, cook until tender, 15-20
minutes, turning over once during cooking. Uncover and add
meat. Cook 5 minutes more, basting often.

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