I am forwarding this answer from Karen Crook to Don Clarke to the list because
it bounced for being too long. This, despite me asking for extraneous stuff to
be cut from the bottom of messages. Bounced mail goes to my old address (I
haven't figured out how to change that yet) so this is a little out of date. (In
more ways than one.)


From: "Karen Crook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [recoznet2] has the man no shame?
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 15:35:28 +1100

Reconciliation is where we take away all the specific subsidies and start
giving to people for credit of their situations rather than race. There are
all colours out there on the streets homeless, on drugs or drinking too much

Does that mean that we would also take away subsidies from farmers, mining
conglomerates, special 'isolation' subsidies, HECS subsidies for students,
single parent subsidies, parental allowance subsidies, day care subsidies,
the car industry subsidies, the subsidies to the arts and tax breaks,
special allowances and tax breaks for industries to keep their businesses in
certain areas, unemployment benefits to those who have the money to support
themselves, pensioner subsidies, special shipping allowances, the subsidies
for foodstuffs and other items that are given to isolated areas, private
schools - I could go on ad infinitum.  Many of these subsidies are not given
to people 'for credit of their situations' as you put it.  But just you try
to do that Karen.  There would be lynch mobs at your house - mainly from
upper-middle class socio-economic mums and dads, rich industrialists, rich
cow-cockies and parents of kids from rich schools.  In fact I would like to
see that happen.  I believe that indigenous peoples would actually get
more - and many deserve more.

>No because as I said, they should only be receiving it for their particular
circumstance, and these >subsidies are for particular circumstance which
assist people!
But just you try to do that Karen.

>Like I'm a real threat!!
I believe that indigenous peoples would actually get more - and many deserve

>Then tell me how does an Aboriginal woman of about 50yrs old with all adult
children living away >from home, working for the Government in a very
well-paid job get a financial grant to compete in a >government sporting
competition in another State and then stay at a 5 star hotel???? I
personally >know this woman and she told me this herself. And the excuses
used on the application also were >over-rated and exaggerated - also
admitted to by herself. She just thought what the hell, they'll give >me the
money. How is this fair? She has a great job, like the rest of us, yet
received well over >$1,500 to attend. It's not like she couldn't afford to
go herself if she'd saved. If you can't go, you >can't go-just like everyone
else. But not all of us can just apply for the funds! See, it is this sort
of >thing that causes people such as myself to get disheartened by
unfairness. People using their >colour for advantage and then crying foul
about racism. It's hypocrisy at its best.
The people who are stopping Australia from being 'Australian' are the
non-Aboriginal people who still treat indigenous peoples as second class
citizens.  Australia should be one nation (no pun intended) but it will
never be so until the dominant culture comes to term with its own inbuilt
racism and realises that ALL should be given a fair go.  It is your culture
that is saying this land is 'ours' and not yours.

>What about those Aboriginals who bash their children, rape their wives and
daughters, drink >themselves into oblivion, kill one another and disrespect
their own people by hurting one another? >They treat themselves as second
class citizens sometimes and make their situations even worse >by doing
this. I do not agree with any sort of violence or bad treatment and find
this appalling. So >don't go blaming non-Aboriginals because there is plenty
of second class treatment happening from >within. So exactly what do you
mean by being given a fair go?
Try telling that to any black person who dares to venture out of his
neighbourhood.  Try telling that to a black kid who is going to visit a
friend who lives in Double Bay in NSW, who is walking along the street to
his friends and is pulled up three times by the police who question what he
is doing there.  Would a white kid get the same treatment?

>Try also telling that to the women who are too afraid of walking out on the
street after dark, even >just for exercise, because of the fear of rape by a
man or groups of men regadless of colour.

>Maybe the police question them three times because they know him, or his
friends or he's acting >suspicious.
>When did you ever wear a police uniform? If they didn't ask and something
happened the public >would be down their throat for not protecting the
community!!!!! It's a catch-22 situation most times. >Sometimes they just
ask because they are doing their jobs.
>A few years back a police officer friend was off-duty and out
nightclubbing. He needed some more >cash and left the club to walk up the
city's mall to the ATM. While on his way, he was surrounded >by a group of
young Aboriginal men. They began bashing him and tried to steal his watch
and >wallet etc. They didn't know he was a cop until later on. They did him
over pretty bad.
>During the scuffle he managed to get in a few punches to try and protect
himself otherwise they >would have killed him. He landed a punch. But guess
what? That little creep then laid charges >against the off-duty officer for
punching him! How is that fair? They were belting the crap out of him. >I
would have done exactly the same thing.Thankfully the system threw it out.
As far as I'm >concerned the little buggar deserved what he got.
Some time ago Tim Fischer stated that he thought the Japanese people should
apologize to the Australian people for what they did in a war fifty years
ago.  Not much flak from white Australia for that sentiment.

>I didn't agree with him on this one either!
Reconciliation should mean that we all come together in a spirit of respect
for each other and work together to make this nation what is should and
could be.  A nation of one people who respect each other's differences, who
take each other's hand in friendship and trust that we are all working for
the same thing for ALL Australians.

It is about righting past injustices and working with each other to ensure
that there is true justice for all for the present and the future.

It is about being one and celebrating the diversity in that 'one'.  Allowing
each other to become the very best we can become and each assisting the
other to reach that goal with love, respect, dignity and true brotherhood
(sorry feminists).

It is about correcting the imbalance in this country. Among other things.

>I agree with you on these!!
It is a race issue because more Aboriginal people end up on the wrong side
of the justice system.  This can be put down to many things but here in NSW
it has been shown that the police are much more likely to take the more
extreme option with Aboriginal people who come into custody than with people
from other ethnicities.

>A lot of people end up on the wrong side of the justice system, the rest of
us don't because we know the difference between right and wrong.
"...has been shown that the police are much more likely to take the more
extreme option with Aboriginal people..."

>What exactly do you mean by this?
 Because you do not have black coppers or screws or governments making the
laws, beating them or murdering them.  It can only be racist when race
becomes an issue such as when little or no regard is made to issues that may
affect the imprisonment of the imprisoned.  When culture or tradition is not
taken into account.

The other point is that there was a Royal Commission which set out over 300
recommendations which all governments stated they would implement.  One of
the main points was the elimination of hanging points in all gaols and
police lock-ups and detention centres.  This is comparatively easy to do.
But, even after all this time they have not done so, and they still build
prisons with hanging points so obviously there.  Why?  Because the white
man's law - the law you laud and praise - does not give a stiff shit about
the human and social rights of inmates.

>Check out the new Brisbane City Watchhouse. A modern slick building of
technology built to the >standards of the Recommendations. No, obviously
they didn't give a stiff shit so they wasted their >money building it
>A lot of prisons and watchhouses were very plain designs and didn't have or
use the modern >technology like today. Back then they had bars on window,
but today they don't need them. They >just get air-conditioning.

>Laud and praise? Yes, because that is the law, what I have grown up with
and respect and abide >by to not only try and protect myself but the lives
of others.
But having said that; any (once again) small amount of research will show
you that ALL deaths in custody are deplored by the various Deaths in Custody
groups around Australia - but once again you have not bothered to do the
research to find this out.  Some of the groups are even called 'Deaths in
Custody Watch Committee"'s, not a mention of black in their names - even a
cursory reading of news would have pointed this out to you.  And they come
out against ALL deaths in custody and the stupidity of the various
governments whose policies allow deaths in custody to occur.

>I know the groups thank you, I'm just saying when another person hangs
themselves in jail it's >usually because they had some sort of mental or
personality problem. We can't always blame jail, >prison or detention
centres for someone hanging themselves. There is duty of care but prisoners
>cannot be watched 24 hours a day - they would consider that an invasion of
A suggestion.  Get yourself into some group that regularly goes to prisons
or detention centres to visit with inmates and detainees.  Talk to some of
them.  Ask them questions.  Find out the real person instead of the one the
media and the government brain washes you with.  Find out that they are real
people, with wives, husbands, mothers and fathers.  Then let me know if your
black and white view of the world is still the same - or would you then be
asking questions that may be because YOU really want to know.

>Talking with them will not change my opinion on anything. They have
committed a crime and >deserve to pay the price for it. It's called being
made to take responsibility for your actions - and >this should happen
whether you are black, white, orange, yellow, red or purple!!! We cannot let
>people get away with breakign the law otheriwse what sort of a society
would we have then? And >you are already worried about this one we have
now????? It doesn't matter that they are real >people with wives, husbands,
mothers and fathers - because so to do their victims. I support the >victims
not the offenders. Offenders have a choice in breaking the law, their
victims don't have any >choice about becoming victims!

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