Musical resurrection for
Australia's first indigenous pop

MAXINE MCKEW: In an industry more noted for hype
than modesty, veteran singer Jimmy Little is indeed a
breath of fresh air.

His gentle nature is only matched by an equally gentle
voice -- an elegant and understated instrument that
stamps his songs with a rare intimacy.

In 1963, he became Australia's first Aboriginal pop star
when 'Royal Telephone' soared to the top of the charts.

It was an achievement which helped, to some extent,
break down many of the racial barriers of that era.

Unfortunately, Jimmy Little couldn't capitalise on that
initial success.

But he's back with a vengeance after more than 30 years
in the musical wilderness.

Lindy Kerin reports:

JIMMY LITTLE: Some of you know my face, some of
you know my name and most of you couldn't care less.

Thank you very much.

* I think about this loveless fascination * under the
Milky Way tonight.*

JIMMY LITTLE: I'm the first indigenous country artist
in the world, not just Australia, in the world.

JIMMY LITTLE: (Sings) * Might have known what you
would find under the Milky Way tonight.*

BRUCE ELDER, MUSIC CRITIC: I think that Australia
as a whole has an enormous affection for Jimmy Little.

It is a triumph of the spirit, it is a triumph of somebody
against quite extraordinary odds.

JIMMY LITTLE: (Sings) * I never wanted to be in
Quasimodo's dream.*

LINDY KERIN: After 35 years Jimmy Little, the singer
whose voice has been likened to velvet is back.

ARCHIVAL FOOTAGE: What a pleasure it is to welcome
back to Bandstand Jimmy Little.

This is his new one for Festival.

JIMMY LITTLE: (Sings) * Telephone to glory, oh what
joy divine.*

LINDY KERIN: Back in 1963, 'Royal Telephone'
propelled the young man from a mission on the Murray
River into the spotlight and to the top five of the charts
for 18 weeks.

JIMMY LITTLE: * This Royal Telephone *

LINDY KERIN: He was the country's first indigenous
pop star before he was even counted as an Australian

But Jimmy Little says he never let the racial divisions
hold him back.

JIMMY LITTLE: I never felt the real harsh brunt of total

It may have been on the sideline of my path, but never in
front of me to obstruct my view or my intention to go

ARCHIVAL FOOTAGE: The song's a smash and earns
Jimmy two gold records.

LINDY KERIN: While he continued recording, Jimmy
Little's days at the top didn't last.

Over the years he survived by touring the country music
circuit, singing in clubs and pubs and taking roles in a
number of independent films.

MOVIE FOOTAGE: Here I have everything. Solitude.

LINDY KERIN: But he never saw any of this as a step

JIMMY LITTLE: It takes an attitude to either go
through the door, around it, over the top or underneath
it and I've never seen barriers strong enough to hold me

I knew he was there somewhere.

LINDY KERIN: After 17 years without a recording
contract Jimmy Little's music career had stalled.

Then three years ago, musician and producer Brendan
Gallagher saw him perform at a Sydney pub and was

walked in there was Jimmy Little, sitting on a stool in a
red jacket with a guitar playing and I knew pretty much
instantaneously who it was because I remember him
from when I was a kid and I heard the voice, saw the
face, and I thought "That's Jimmy Little"

LINDY KERIN: Brendan Gallagher felt that songs by a
new generation of Australian songwriters, like Paul
Kelly, Neil Finn and Nick Cave, could help reignite
Jimmy Little's career.

BRENDAN GALLAGHER: I didn't want to introduce
Jimmy to an audience that had never heard him.

The other thing was if you're going to get the attention of
the X-Generation you give them an X-Generation song

JIMMY LITTLE: (Sings) * Blow away, blow away down
below away.*

LINDY KERIN: Jimmy Little has put his own stamp on
the song book in a new album 'The Messenger'.

JIMMY LITTLE: (Sings) *.until you fall apart.*

BRUCE ELDER: Hey, this is a really extraordinary

This man has always had this talent and suddenly or
once again we focus our attention on somebody who
really is a significant part of our musical cultural

LINDY KERIN: Paul Kelly, acclaimed as one of
Australia's greatest singers and songwriters, says Jimmy
Little has given a new life to one of his early songs
'Randwick Bells'.

'Randwick Bells' are ringing , must be Saturday.*

PAUL KELLY: He's added a real sweet soulfulness to it, I
think, and he's kind of somehow he's held the song back,
like he holds this word in the chorus back which just
actually makes the song sing a bit more.

He's made the song sing.

JIMMY LITTLE: (Sings) *'Randwick Bells' are ringing,
must be Saturday.*

JIMMY LITTLE: There's different factors in a song that
are little hooks, they get under your skin.

Oh, gee that's good, it gives you goosebumps. So in a way
I look for goosebumps in a song.

JIMMY LITTLE: (Sings) * Going to rise up singing, going
to rise up singing, Randwick Bells'.*

LINDY KERIN: The new album may give Jimmy Little
the recognition so many say he deserves.

I just want to enjoy every moment of what I get an
opportunity to do, but for the moment I'm on the crest
of a wave called Messenger and I want to ride it right to
the shore.

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