..."By saying that everybody should apologise, you then make people feel guilty
for something they did not do - trying to force the hand - when all we want
to do is move on in a peaceful, harmonious life."  (Karen, a few emails back)
What is a mystery to me is this immediate connection between guilt and saying sorry.    If I say sorry does that mean I am admitting guilt   When my dad died many many friends said sorry - they were sorry.  And it helped me to have my pain acknowledged.  But they were not guilty!    NO one can actually make you feel anything, and certainly no one can make you feel guilty.  Having read and questioned and thus learned about our history  I may choose to feel saddened, enraged, furious, embarrassed whatever,   and I may become aware of my part in the continual dispossession  happening today - -not so far from my little house in Adelaide where I witness the continual building of THAT bridge  which is founded upon  layers  of injustice --but whether I feel guilty or not - thats my choice.  I don't feel guilty,  I feel privileged - white and privileged.  And very very very sad

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