Thought people might appreciate this piece.  Although the figures that underpin it are American, it might be interesting to dig up the equivalent local stats.

Getting Serious About White Deviance:
An Open Letter to the Pioneer Fund
By Tim Wise

To Whom It May Concern:

With great excitement, I recently discovered your
organization's work for the betterment of mankind, through
the applied science of racial research. As someone who has
been investigating the disproportionately pathological
tendencies of persons of European descent--whites in the
popular vernacular--imagine my delight upon reading your
Charter, which notes:

"The Pioneer Fund is committed to the proposition that
people of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds are, on
the basis of heredity, inherently unequal and can never be
expected to behave or perform equally."

Gentlemen, I couldn't have said it better; and given our
mutual interest in racial differences, I feel certain you
will be intrigued by my funding proposal.

Just as your group has lavishly financed those whose work
demonstrates the intellectual deficiencies of blacks, so too
is it critical to examine the reasons for the
disproportionate drug use, binge drinking, and propensity
for serial murder that are the hallmarks of the Caucasian

Although it has long been known that roughly 90% of serial
killers in modern history have been white, only recently has
evidence emerged to illuminate the epidemic of substance
abuse in the white community.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services,
whites are 11% more likely to have used drugs than blacks
and 25% more likely to have done so than Hispanics. What's
more, recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and
the National Household Drug Abuse Survey indicates:

--White high schoolers are 4.5 times more likely than blacks
to have used cocaine; 3.6 times more likely to have gotten
high using inhalants, like paint fumes or Liquid Paper;
twice as likely as blacks to have used heroin; and six times
more likely to have used methamphetamine. In fact, there are
more white high school students who have used crystal meth
than black students who regularly smoke cigarettes;

--Whites are 43% more likely than blacks to drink alcohol
and 27% more likely to binge drink than blacks (consuming
five or more drinks at a time), with white youth more than
twice as likely as black youth to binge;

--Whites are 74% more likely than blacks to binge drink
regularly (at least five times monthly), and white youth are
three times as likely to do so;

--In fact, there are more whites who binge drink at least
once a month than there are blacks in the entire U.S.
And finally:

--According to a private study, white college students
consume three times more alcoholic beverages weekly than
black students, are 65% more likely to drink to the point of
being hungover, and 71% more likely to drink 'till they

What's more, these white behaviors put others at substantial

--Whites are almost twice as likely as blacks to drive
drunk, and 15% more likely to do so than Hispanics;

--Whites between 12-17, are 34% more likely than black youth
to have sold drugs in the past year;

--The annual cost of white alcohol and drug abuse is
approximately $200 billion in escalated health care and law
enforcement expenditures, as well as lost productivity;

--White males are 24% more likely than black males to have
carried a weapon in the last thirty days; and white males in
high school are twice as likely as their black counterparts
to bring a weapon to school.

Could these overwhelmingly consistent examples of white
pathology be mere coincidence? Or might they indicate a
genetic predisposition to such harmful activities? Surely,
the latter possibility is strong enough to warrant a massive
research effort to get to the bottom of these phenomena.

Of course, the liberals will insist there are environmental
explanations for white drug and alcohol problems. One can
imagine them trying to blame two-earner white families for
being too busy with their dot-com startup or landscaping
classes at Home Depot to give their children the nurturing
needed to resist drugs. But as the Department of Health and
Human Services data indicates, white kids are 27% more
likely than blacks to receive anti-drug information from
parents, and 24% more likely to receive similar information
in school, yet they just can't seem to put down their
needles and pipes.

Though some will insist white alcoholism is
environmentally-conditioned--what with happy hour at TGI
Friday's and Chili's entrapping white businessmen and soccer
moms to get plowed on Micro-Brews and Flaming Margaritas--in
the end, I feel confident that scientific truth will
prevail, and whites will be forced to take personal
responsibility for their behavior.

As for the methodology I will use to determine if there is a
white genetic predisposition to substance abuse, I have
written to Phillipe Rushton, of Ontario to ask for his
assistance. Having generously underwritten Rushton's work on
black hypersexuality--which you'll recall he demonstrated by
going to a shopping mall and asking blacks, whites and
Asians how far they could ejaculate--you will no doubt
appreciate my desire to include him in this endeavor. I
propose that Rushton return to the mall and ask blacks,
whites, and Asians how many bong hits they can do without
choking, and how many tabs of ecstasy they can take before
their eyeballs roll back in their head and they begin to

And with help from the folks at the Genome Project, it
should be easy to find not only the substance abuse genes in
Caucasian DNA, but also those correlated with other
high-risk, mostly white, and I dare say, pathological
behaviors, like bunjee-jumping, skydiving, and

Best of all, this research could directly impact public
policy. Currently, in part because folks don't know about
disproportionate white substance abuse, law enforcement
efforts are often foolishly targeted against blacks.

For example, although blacks are 14% of drug users, they are
35% of those arrested for possession, 55% of those
convicted, and 75% of those incarcerated for drugs. In
cities like Baltimore, Columbus and Minneapolis, blacks are
anywhere from five to twenty times more likely to be
arrested for drugs, though whites are the more likely users.

Even worse, the drug arrest rate for black juveniles has
recently climbed by over 75%, while for whites it has fallen
34%, and black youth are 48 times more likely to be
incarcerated for a drug offense than whites with the same
record, even though evidence indicates whites will more
likely re-offend.

By exposing pathological white substance abuse, my research
could lead to a more efficient use of law enforcement
dollars: instead of stopping cars driven by blacks, we could
set up roadblocks leading into the suburbs, trailer parks,
and gated communities where so many white addicts reside.

Sure, some will complain they're being victimized for
"Driving While White," but like Dinesh D'Souza says,
"rational discrimination applies the logic of predictive
evaluation to racial groups," and "is not premised upon
assumptions of biological inferiority." In short, it's
nothing personal.

Additionally, we could drug test all white college students
receiving federal financial aid, and raid their fraternities
and sororities, suspending all subsidies to those testing
positive for narcotics, or those under 21 who have been
drinking. Unfair? Hardly: as D'Souza continues:

"...rational discrimination...can be fully eradicated only
by getting rid of destructive conduct by the group that
forms the basis for statistically valid group distinctions.
It is difficult to compel people to admire groups, many of
whose members do not act admirably."

Although Dinesh was talking about rational discrimination
against blacks by taxi drivers, it only seems fair to apply
the principle consistently, as I'm sure you'd agree.

Though this research might inadvertently cause prejudice and
discrimination against innocent whites, unfairly labeled
deviant because of their group's proclivities, the search
for truth cannot be suppressed in the name of political
correctness: facts are facts, and we must go where they
lead, just as those intrepid scholars, Charles Murray and
Richard Herrnstein did in The Bell Curve, many of whose
sources were researchers funded by your courageous

Yes, this is controversial. But my research would be in
keeping with a Pioneer tradition, begun in the '30's when
your group's founders imported copies of a Nazi propaganda
film on race hygiene, for screening by American schools and
civic groups.

Just as this film, "Applied Eugenics in Present-Day
Germany," demonstrated the folly of spending money to keep
the Rhineland's genetic defectives alive, so too could my
research demonstrate the waste of pouring money into drug
education in mostly white schools: after all, you just can't
get through to some people.

It may be that nothing can wean whites from their insatiable
appetites for drugs and alcohol. If so, then just as your
founder, Wickliffe Draper, once said blacks were
"genetically inferior," and "ought to be repatriated to
Africa," so too will you surely be brave enough to call for
a full-fledged "back to Europe" movement, so as to rid the
U.S. of millions of narcotized Caucasian parasites.

As one of your grantees, Richard Lynn says, it might even be
necessary to "phase out" inferior cultures: a prospect that
might apply to whites if they're unwilling or unable to
clean themselves up. Such is the price of progress.

So, I anxiously await your reply to my funding request. I
have also contacted the Free Press (which published The Bell
Curve and D'Souza's The End of Racism), since they seemed
the natural choice to publish my research, once it is ready
to appear in book form. I have even proposed a title: either
The 'Saved By the Bell' Curve--named after a Saturday
morning television show, popular with white kids (probably
because they're stoned)--or the Bell-Bottom Curve: a
satirical reference to the style of pants made popular in
the late '60's and early '70's by whites (especially hippies
and potheads).

I would appreciate any ideas you may have for the research
or the title of this guaranteed best seller. Please respond
quickly: the future of our country is at stake.

Tim Wise

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