BOOK THEY TRIED TO BAN: Man Utd laid bare

By Jules Stenson, Chief Feature Writer, News of the World

MARRIED Man Utd legend Eric Cantona had a threesome with a porn club beauty
and another man on a giant circular bed as a gang of revellers looked on.

The lovecheat Frenchman cast his vows to the wind when he visited the wild
Paris venue with his ex-SAS minder Michael "Ned" Kelly.

Kelly was appointed to look after the soccer star‹recently voted the club's
greatest ever player‹following his infamous kung-fu kick on a fan in 1995.

In his bombshell new book, Manchester United: The Untold Story, which the
club tried to ban, the author also tells how Cantona:

VISITED a brothel where all the prostitutes wore numbers for a kinky "pick
and mix" game.

BEDDED the beautiful and willing wife of a household-name United star.

SEDUCED a sex-mad woman employee at a Manchester club.

Kelly had little idea what was in store when he was appointed personal
bodyguard to 37-year-old Cantona.

But he soon discovered the truth about the love-rat star's repeated
betrayals of wife Isabelle in a string of debauched encounters.

Kelly recalled: "I was out on the town in Paris with Eric when he insisted
we end the night at his favourite watering-hole.

"We met up with a couple of Eric's friends, who I'll call Pierre and Luc.
The club had wall-to-wall porn beaming down from angled TV screens but, in
the basement bar, the action was strictly live.

"In the centre of the floor was a huge circular bed, so none of the
onlookers would miss an inch of the action.


"All one had to do was climb on the bed and wait to be joined by another
enthusiastic participant, to have sex while everyone else looked on.

"After a few bottles of champagne, one of the club bosses‹a friend of
Eric's‹ joined us at the bar.

"The man called over a stunning woman he introduced as his wife. The
chemistry between her and Eric was electric‹but I thought I was seeing
things as I watched her lead Eric and Luc toward the bed.

"Eric flashed me a wink and stuck his tongue out like a schoolboy heading
for the cream bun counter in a baker's.

"ŒWhat the ****?' I asked Pierre. But I was speaking to the back of his head
as he was also on his way to the bed wrapped around a tall blonde.

"Eric tried to call me over to join in with Luc and his romp. I later
discovered the wife was an ex-porn star."

Kelly describes the 1997 night out as "the most surreal experience of my

Cantona‹who has a son Raphael, 13, and daughter Josephine, six, with
38-year-old Isabelle‹moved them to Bar-celona, Spain, after quitting soccer
and turning to acting. In the spring of 1999, he invited Kelly for the

"Eric declared we must go out on the town," he said. As usual, after a few
drinks, the conversation turned to women and, after a few reminiscences, I
stopped Eric in his tracks.

"I told him, ŒI know who you were s****ing in my flat when you borrowed it
for your secret liaisons'. Eric was dumbstruck.

"ŒWho then?' he asked. I named the wife of a former top United star whose
car I often used to see parked outside my flat whenever she and Eric met.

"He exclaimed, ŒHow did you find out?' ŒIt's my business to know everything,
Eric', I told him."

Kelly adds: "Eric then drove us to a less salubrious side of town. We went
to an underground car park, then up by lift. Three floors later, Eric was
knocking at a flat door which opened to reveal wall-to-wall hookers.

"The girls were stunning and all had numbered badges. It was like a kinky
pick and mix." Cantona selected a girl and led her to a private room.

Kelly recalls: "From discussions I'd had over the years with Eric, I knew he
had a penchant for slapping women's backsides.


"And from the noises coming from next door, this lady had apparently been
very naughty. 

"After that we headed for his favourite karaoke bar and the reception he got
from punters and staff told me he was as popular here as at Old Trafford."

But not as popular as he'd been in one Manchester sports club.

Kelly writes: "One woman there was very attractive and was extremely
hospitable to both of us‹especially Eric.

"She was always ushering him into an office and, while I socialised with
club members, he'd be taking advantage of the more exclusive services on
offer to him behind closed doors."

Kelly tells of another night in a Manchester bar where Cantona and a French
friend, Pascal, were flirting shamelessly with two pretty women‹ watched by
their irate husbands.

"In no time at all they were squaring up to Eric and Pascal," says the

"I offered sincere apologies to the well-built husbands. Eric bought the two
couples champagne and calm was eventually restored.

"To be fair, Eric rarely played away during his time in the UK.

"While at Manchester, I don't think it would be unkind to suggest that he
lived a pretty basic lifestyle and it was only on my own recommendation that
he and his family moved from the ex-council house they were given by United
to the more comfortable former home of Mark Hughes.

"But once Eric was in Europe, the gloves‹or should it be the pants‹were

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