lock up when searching for device

2001-12-13 Thread tim cook
I am running a super micro dual P4 system with a 40 gig ide hdd My problem is that I can install redhat fine, and even boot into x windows for the first time, but after the first time I can not get back into anything because it locks up when serching for new hardware,and this has happened on ov

split distribution in 2 CD

2001-12-13 Thread Jérôme Tournier
Hello, i have all my RPM in this structure: [root@pouilly i386]# ll /home/ftp/pub/i386 total 16 dr-xr-xr-x3 root root 4096 déc 12 20:02 dosutils drwxr-xr-x8 root root 4096 déc 13 02:12 images dr-xr-xr-x4 root root 4096 déc 13 02:15 RedHat Now i wan

making less faster on large amounts of stdin data

2001-12-13 Thread Wojtek Pilorz
Hi all, I like 'less' very much for viewing data, so its lack of speed when viewing larger amounts of data coming from pipe was irritating me. Unfortunately the time less spends processing data from stdin is proportional to a square of data size. While the proper fix would be to improve algorith

Re: kernels with new aic7xxx driver does _not_ boot!!

2001-12-13 Thread Julie
Svante Signell wrote: > > Urgent!! > > The new kernels provided by RH, eg 2.4.16 series does _not_ boot on my > HW!! Which driver is named aic7xxx.o now, the old one or the new? My > guess is the new one. There is also s module aic7xxx_mod.o, what is that? > > Additionally, the new driver has

making 'less' faster on large amounts of stdin data (fwd)

2001-12-13 Thread Wojtek Pilorz
Hi all, I like 'less' very much for viewing data, so its lack of speed when viewing larger amounts of data coming from pipe was irritating me. Unfortunately the time less spends processing data from stdin is proportional to a square of data size. While the proper fix would be to improve algorith

kernels with new aic7xxx driver does _not_ boot!!

2001-12-13 Thread Svante Signell
Urgent!! The new kernels provided by RH, eg 2.4.16 series does _not_ boot on my HW!! Which driver is named aic7xxx.o now, the old one or the new? My guess is the new one. There is also s module aic7xxx_mod.o, what is that? Additionally, the new driver has serious speed problems: on another box