Is it possible to get a simple way to establish IP tunnels built into the
initscripts mechanisim? The Polish Linux Distribution has it.

They also have stuff like Display Postscript setup for the XF 4.0.2 whay
is it not in RawHide?

X Fonts is another thing deserving attention, there are just too many
unusable and useless fonts packaged in the default setup and some
essential and useful stuff is not installed by default, some good truetype
fonts are in the openoffice setup some in abiword too.

OK at last you have an office in India at least by 7.2 - 7.3 can we see
some movement in Indic scripts & keyboard support? At the recent
exhibition there were 3 different groups showing Hindi on the screen but
no movement from redhat on a development team here for localisation (One
of them is a friend and is quite willing to share his work in case you are
looking to jump start development)

Another thing is the default font configuration in netscape it is getting
better by the day but not fast enough.

Java & Netscape have been a disaster for a very long time only with KDE2
Konquerror and IBM JDK on rawhide 12222000 have I got reliable java


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