If you want to compile applications on RH7.0, use their gcc-2.96 compiler.
RH's 2.96 has a different ABI (application binary interface) and code-generation
style than basically any other Linux system out there.  They used that compiler
to compile all their libraries.
if you build gcc.2.95.3 or gcc.3.0, and then use it to compile apps which link
against the
c library provided by RH you will end up with apps that are buggy, may not run,
when they crash, won't provide very useful info.

Furthermore, RH7 apps will not be compatible with ohter Linuxes, so if you build
your app
on RH7 and ship it to a user who's not using RH7, the app will act funny, since
the target
system ABI is not compatible.

Then again, you may be lucky and the app will "just run", especially if it's just
a C app.

Mario Torre wrote:

> Hi, today I have received the annunce of the gcc-2.95.3
> What are the differences between the gcc-2.96 (rh) and this gnu gcc-2.95?
> The binary code will be compatible or there are the same differences as in
> the past with gcc-2.95.2 and gcc-2.96?
> I had no problems with the new gcc-96, after the update, only really bad code
> didn't compile, except for the LEDA library (may be a bad code too!), if this
> release is "more permissive" but binary compatible with the redhat gcc, I can
> try to compile these library with the gcc-2.95.3.
> If I am sure to fail, it is better not to waste time in downloading and
> building that gcc release.
> One more question, the gcc-2.95.3 is the official release that would
> probabily be the gcc-3.0, so the standards will meet there again.
> RedHat plans to continue on his road, or will put the gcc-2.95.3 in RedHat
> Linux 8 (supposing the gcc-3.0 will not be ready until then, even though this
> will be probabily wrong)?
> Thank you,
> Mario
> P.S. I have tried Nautilus 1.0, I know RedHat is thinking about Nautilus as a
> desktop manager for Gnome, that's great, but be aware of two things that may
> need work on RedHat: Nautilus is unable to handle packages, the only thing
> that it can do is to pass them to a package manager, while the Gnome File
> manager can read any kind of package just opening them to a temp
> file/directory.
> It is too slow, when I try to access the eazel service, or I try to use it to
> browse the web, If it cannot load the page immediately, it blocks and loop
> forever (two times need to be killed), I'm using the 1.0 version, and today I
> will sent a mail to eazel to try to describe these problems, I think you
> should be warned too, because you want to make nautilus (I read from the
> eazel home page) the primary Gnome desktop manager.
> --
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