This is not a RH issue but it is a development issue and as I know there are
a few very competent developers here I wanted to ask about this...

The Linux Professional Institute <> needs some help with
some development processes in support of their SQL database (postgres). Our
DBA is quite competent with the backend but needs help with the front. What
is needed is a web based and command line based front end and we do not have
the time to do this work in house. The requirements for this are sketchy
right now but they will be made clear in the process of working with the
development team. There is a mailing list set up for this group to
facilitate the project which has already begun.

As we are a community project we are looking for someone who can help us
with this from within the Linux community. This could be done by someone who
just wants to get their name in lights for having provided assistance to a
Linux community project, it could be done with a small honorarium, or, there
is a slim possibility that there could be a contract let for the work... as
a non-profit group I shouldn't have to say which options we would prefer!?!

Questions regarding this may be directed to me.

Thanx for listening!

Chuck Mead, CTO, MoonGroup Consulting, Inc. <> 
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