
A common problem is corrupt software.  This can be due to improper
shutdowns, careless administrators/developers, etc.  Many times hardware is
not to blame and reinstalling the OS is all that is needed.

I would like to use Parted to reconstruct several partions from image files
in the event that a server goes down and an administrator wants to restore
it back to "factory condition".

I don't know if it is possible, but a I could write a howto that would be
ideal for many folks.

Below is a rough diagram of what I am talking about.  It very briefly
explains that in the event of a software meltdown, the admin could boot up
on a different boot partion and automatically run reconstuction tools



I know that many laptop makers (HP, Dell, etc.) use this to restore Win
partitions.  I'm pretty sure that the same can be done for linux ext3

Has anybody done this before?  Anybody think about doing this at one time?
Give me your thoughts and feedback on this project.


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