Is it possible with rpm to build both noarch and binary
package with one -bb or --rebuild pass?  For example,
when a package consists of architecture-independent
-common part with e.g. pixmaps, config files etc,
and several arch-dependent binary parts.  Once nice
example of this is icewm (as packaged by author) package
that consists of icewm-common.noarch, and
icewm-{light,default,gnome}.bin.  In icewm, .spec file
contains a hack: %build includes a call
 "rpm -bb --target=noarch-... icewm.spec"
inside arch-dependent %ifarch noarch..%else..%endif
section, but it's way uugly.  I tried to use various
ExclusiveArch et all rpm tags, but without any luck:
it either produces -common.bin rpm, or complains about
arch mismatches.

So -- is it possible with current rpm?  Just curious...

Thank you!


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