Thanks Kris! :) I appreciate the quick and latenight
responce! (well, latenight on my end anyway! LOL) Thanks again!
At 01:12 AM 10/28/00 -0500, you wrote:
>You can go to and look at the information
>they have on the Frontpage Extens
You can go to and look at the information
they have on the Frontpage Extensions kit. It is pretty easy to install.
- Original Message -
From: "Fred Edmister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2000 1:01 AM
Just wondered if there is a way to have front page extensions on a linux
6.2 server If anyone knows anything about this, it would be great!
Thanks in advance!
Fred Edmister
President / Networking Specialist
Northside Networking
Is it possible to make a USB device bootable? Can I boot from
a USB Zip or HD ?
Redhat-list mailing list
I am running Zoot on i686. Emacs, telnet when executed from gnome do not
show any fonts. When I browse the net from Netscape 4.73 the fonts size
cannot be changed and so everything appears bvery small. I do not know
the exact reson for this problem.
Please help,
Nothing with rpm -qi ?
On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, guanchen KHOO wrote:
> RedHat-5.2 have this gecko rpm installed. What on earth is it? There is
> no documentation on it at all, even in the src.rpm.
> --
> Cheers
> Richard KHOO Guan Chen
> _
I recently upgraded from RH6.2 to RH7.0 and since that time have been unable
to get my printer (an Epson Stylus 850ne which according to printtool is
using the stc800ih, Stylus Color 800, 1440x720DpI, Inkjet Paper input filter)
to print postscript. It treats postscript as if it were a text file. I
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 14:18 Scott Skrogstad wrote:
>I have about 1900 users on my system and I am looking for a fast and EASY
>way to mail all of my users and tell them about things happening on our
>network. I have played with Majordomo but I try and send a message to
>list that I have created
Hi John,
Now that's interesting! And so disappointing. This kind of problems is nothing
good to get new Linux users, especially (near)computer-illiterate ones (the
upgrade of a software should be so smooth and straight forward... particularly
the packages manager package of a system -- well, is
I have RedHat-5.2 and upgraded rpm to rpm-3.0.5-7.5x which I think I got
from - cannot be sure though. Had a scary problem yesterday when I
tried to --rebuild bison-1.27-3.src.rpm. The rebuild always fails,
complaining that it cannot find some files (I think the info files) in the
build ro
RedHat-5.2 have this gecko rpm installed. What on earth is it? There is
no documentation on it at all, even in the src.rpm.
Richard KHOO Guan Chen
Redhat-list mailing list
I have dvdplay loading the dvd, but wondered if the default res had to
be 1024x768
on the desktop or less?
Redhat-list mailing list
I try to map everyone's home directory on to red-hat 6.2 machine, and I
have created the files /etc/auto.master and /etc/
I tried to start automount daemon, but fail to success.
Can someone help me to get automount working.
there's also a site that will do that, can't remember the name...
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Ning Zhu wrote:
> Hello,
> Does any one know how to do a port scan on RedHat 6.2? During the scan, it
> shouldn't open any port, just a simple check.
> As a matter of fact, what I am trying to do is to
Did you go through the part about creating a new XF86Config file and
editing it to add all the necessary stuff?
Redhat-list mailing list
RTFM:) man hosts.deny
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, root wrote:
> Anyone know the format of entries in the hosts.deny file?
> Chris
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
You can send an e-mail to hp at, then support for my
product (under e-mail hp), hp LaserJet e-mail support, finally pick the
appropriate Color LaserJet and fill-out the content of the e-mail.
Steve Lee wrote:
> all the printer works now. Thanks for
all the printer works now. Thanks for the help.
I last question, though. We are planning
to get a HP color laser printer. I will
setup the print server as i have using samba
and printtool. In the list of printers, i would
use the postscript printer for this printer?
root wrote:
> Anyone know the format of entries in the hosts.deny file?
> Chris
It depends on what you want to do. Take a look at man hosts.deny.
ALL:ALL will deny everything to everyone and require you to put some
entries into hosts.allow
Here is one built by portsentry on my firewall box:
Well, I just upgrade to XFree86 4.0.1 using the binary installer off, but I can't get any 3D acceleration for my voodoo 3. I've
been over the documentation that came with it several times but can't
figure it out. (System is running almost-stock RH 6.2)
README.DRI says this about Pre
you might want to check out the Handspring-Visor mini-HOWTO at:
Also, the visor doesn't come with the serial cable, you have to buy it
On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Charles Galpin wrote:
> A serial cable is also available (si
On 27-Oct-2000 root opined:
> Anyone know the format of entries in the hosts.deny file?
Just like in the following example, and 'man hosts.deny' can provide more
CUT ===
# hosts.denyThis file describes the name
> -Original Message-
> From: Etienne Larrivee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 4:00 PM
> Subject: Re: RPM 4 database gone
> Hi Marco,
> I am using Redhat 6.2. I had RPM 3.0.4-0.48 installed, since
> that's the version
> that cam
Best to use the same source as RedHat; get the SRPM from RedHat, install,
untar, then look at it.
- rick warner
Redhat-list mailing list
these are patches which coem with the 2.78 rpm
# ls /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/
sysvinit-2.78-md5.patch sysvinit-2.78.tar.gz
sysvinit-2.74-man.patch sysvinit-2.78-halt.patch
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Larry Grove
For those of you using Red Hat's e-commerce distribution or are looking for
a kick-ass e-commerce system! Read on...
- Original Message -
From: "Jon Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 10:04 AM
Subject: [mv] Interchange 4.6.0 now available
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 12:18:11PM -0700, Carson, Chuck wrote:
| Just check netstat to see if anything is listening on that port.
| netstat -a | grep LISTEN | more
| If a listening process is defined in /etc/services, the service name will
| appear instead of the port number in the netstat o
I installed the new RH7 and cannot mount the cdrom. The message
I get is:
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,
or too many mounted file systems
(aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,
instead of some logical partition inside?)
and in the
printing via Samba Server with LPRng on RH 7.0 it works for a few hours then
constantly stops working...I always have to do a killall -HUP lpd and it
magically works again.
I can't babysit this and would like to roll it out but this isn't RELIABLE at
all if one has to constantly reset lpd. I had
I know you can 'make xconfig', or 'make menuconfig', etc. to help you
generate a .config file right before you compile a kernel. I just grabbed
the lastest 2.4-pre source. Does Redhat have a .config file floating out
there that would compile the new 2.4 series that would generally produce a
At work I've got a RH 7.0 installation, which was a fresh, complete,
custom install, not an upgrade.
The other day I grabbed a whole pile of the updated RPMs for 7.0 that have
been released since the ISO images and went to try to install them.
For almost every one, RPM gave me an unresolved depe
I use SmartList with very little trouble (only when I mess it up). But
Marjordomo should be fine, too. Many people also like Mailman.
Lee Howard
At 01:18 PM 10/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I have about 1900 users on my system and I am looking for a fast and EASY
>way to mail all of my users and t
Anyone know the format of entries in the hosts.deny file?
Redhat-list mailing list
I tried upgrading a highly modified RH 6.2 system. I wanted to do the
upgrade to RPM to get around that damned version number limitation. Giving the
command to rebuild the db seemed to have effect.
I'm really not sure what else to say. I had upgraded all the RPM
dependencies at the sam
I had gotten curious enough about this go to the source, too. I looked SysVinit up on
Freshmeat, got an URL for the source (, and downloaded the
But after downloading and untarring, I couldn't find anything that looked like it
would create these files
Jim, it wouldn't surprise me if there was a better way, but here is what I
Pick IP address you want your machines to have and put entries for them in
/etc/hosts. Then in your dhcpd.con put blocks liek this
host piglet {
hardware ethernet 00:e0:98:03:9d:7b;
fixed-address piglet.your
Hi Marco,
I am using Redhat 6.2. I had RPM 3.0.4-0.48 installed, since that's the version
that came with my distribution CD. I tried upgrading to version of
RPM, and then tried 'rpm -qa' and saw that my installed packages disapeared.
It's kind of straight forward, maybe my rpm comm
Hey there, question for you.
I did a server install on a group of machine and then applied the
updates. I am running RH6.2. The problem I have is that when the
machine starts up, I get all the NFS daemons starting up, but when I do
a ps ax, I get no listing. Also, when I restart the daemons fr
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, James C. Bevier wrote:
> Hi all,
> Having had such a good response from the list about "dhcpcd vs pump"
> question, here is another one. I have installed dhcp to serve several
> local computers on the network. I can assign ip numbers
> to the requesting syste
"James C. Bevier" wrote:
> Hi all,
> Having had such a good response from the list about "dhcpcd vs pump"
> question, here is another one. I have installed dhcp to serve several
> local computers on the network. I can assign ip numbers
> to the requesting systems, but I don't know
I've experienced a similiar problem in upgrading my version of RPM on one of
my systems. RPM doesn't work anymore at all, however GnoRPM seems to be
working just fine. I've been hesitant to remove RPM 4 and attempt to
restore the original version for fear of losing the RPM database completely.
I'm using a Dynamic DNS package written by Stephen Carville. The package is
a set of Perl scripts that update the zone file through named and restart
the service. If you would like more information on this, please let me
Jamin W. Collins
-Original Message-
From: James C. Bevier [
Title: RE: How to do port scan on your own machine
netstat -a is your friend.
Chris Mulcahy
-Original Message-
From: Ning Zhu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 12:31 PM
Subject: How to do port scan on your own machine
-Original Message-
From: Ning Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:19 PM
Subject: How to do port scan on your own machine
>Does any one know how to do a port scan on RedHat 6.2? During the scan, it
>shouldn't open
I have about 1900 users on my system and I am looking for a fast and EASY
way to mail all of my users and tell them about things happening on our
network. I have played with Majordomo but I try and send a message to the
list that I have created and nothing happens. I don't get any errors and
I d
Just check netstat to see if anything is listening on that port.
netstat -a | grep LISTEN | more
If a listening process is defined in /etc/services, the service name will
appear instead of the port number in the netstat output. So first check
/etc/services for anything on 8000, then check netsta or a simple 'netstat -an' (or some other flags to netstat) will
tell you what's open/listening.
- Original Message -
From: "Ning Zhu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:30 PM
Subject: How to do port scan on your own machine
John Aldrich wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, lee johnson wrote:
> > anyone have issue with netscape 4.75 ( what came with RH7.0) in that it
> > crashes when i double click on address in address book.
> >
> I think there's an issue with ALL 4.7x versions of Netscape
> with this problem. I *thin
This is not to upgrade from version X to Y, but only has bug fixes, errata,
etc. for version Z.
- Original Message -
From: "Manuel A. Camacho Q." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 1:57 PM
Subject: RE: Upgrading from 5.1 to 7.0
> You may wan
Can both of you give more details? You tried to upgrade a fresh 6.2 system,
- Original Message -
From: "Etienne Larrivee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: RPM 4 database gone
> Hi Timothy,
> I got exactly the
Hi all,
Having had such a good response from the list about "dhcpcd vs pump"
question, here is another one. I have installed dhcp to serve several
local computers on the network. I can assign ip numbers
to the requesting systems, but I don't know how to tell named what
system has wh
yeah, but not much more use. So I downloaded the source, and see that in
halt.c the halt/poweroff command creates them. do_shutdown just calles
if (c != '0' && c != '6') {
char *file;
if (do_poweroff) {
Does any one know how to do a port scan on RedHat 6.2? During the scan, it
shouldn't open any port, just a simple check.
As a matter of fact, what I am trying to do is to assign a new port for our
httpd(Apache server) instead of using the standard port 80 since Linux is
shipped with one
You may want to take a look at redhat store. They have an upgrading CD, but
I *guess* it was meant for 5.2 up.
> -Mensaje original-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En
> nombre de Marco Shaw
> Enviado el: Viernes, 27 de Octubre de 2000 10:28 a.m.
> Para: [EMAI
Hi Timothy,
I got exactly the same problem. I tried to rebuild the database, without
success. I finally decided to downgrade back to version 3 and everything
got back correctly.
Now, I would like to upgrade to RPM 4, because some packages need it to be
installed, but I am affraid to make the m
Using a combination of find, grep, and strings, the following are the only
files that reference /poweroff:
The latter two may be the most useful.
- rick
If you could describe your environment better, that would be great. Doesn't
sound like you have RAID or SCSI drives.
I would definitely try this on some kind of lab box that duplicates your
environment, and try the upgrade there. I always caution going to the
latest, and greatest on any product
We run a mail server using RH5.1. While I've kept up with updates we want
to upgrade to 7.0. for various reasons. Is this a pretty straightforward
procedure or is everything from my user accounts to my MTA (qmail) to tcp
daemons going to break.
Any gotcha's to be wary of?
"Steven W. Orr" wrote:
> I need some help trying to figure out why ntp is dying in me. Here's the
> symptom:
> Oct 25 15:51:36 syslang ntpd: ntpd startup succeeded
> Oct 25 15:51:36 syslang ntpd[11148]: ntpd 4.0.99j Wed Aug 23 13:11:23 EDT
> 2000 (1)
> Oct 25 15:51:37 syslang ntpd[11148]: preci
I found the answer to one of these questions myself:
rc.sysinit (line 540) rm's /halt, /poweroff, and a few other files that might be lying
But I haven't found out what creates these files during shutdown. Does anyone know?
Larry Grover, PhD
Assoc Prof of Physiology
Marshall Univ S
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Steven W. Orr wrote:
> I need some help trying to figure out why ntp is dying in me. Here's the
> symptom:
> Oct 25 15:51:37 syslang ntpd[11148]: bind() fd 12, family 2, port 123,
> addr, in_classd=1 flags=0 fails: Address already in use
The problem would appear to
I upgraded RPM from version 3 to 4. Now my RPM database is hosed.
Gnorpm shows only rpm 4 installed. I did the --rebuilddb.
Is there any way to get it back? Can I rebuild the database from
the system? What about restoring the db from a backup?
Running RedHat 7.0 with KDE (1.1.2) which locale should be used within the
United Kingdom? Should it be "en_UK" or "en_GB"? The former gives 'charset'
errors with some software, whereas the latter does not.
I need some help trying to figure out why ntp is dying in me. Here's the
Oct 25 15:51:36 syslang ntpd: ntpd startup succeeded
Oct 25 15:51:36 syslang ntpd[11148]: ntpd 4.0.99j Wed Aug 23 13:11:23 EDT
2000 (1)
Oct 25 15:51:37 syslang ntpd[11148]: precision = 17 usec
Oct 25 15:51:37 sysla
I am trying to install an *.srpm file. Every time I try to recompile,
rebuild, or just install it, though, it tries to install into a path under
my home directory. This happens whether I am myself or root.
I checked what I thought were the relevant shell variables, but they come up
I want to rebuild my copy of xv from source, but it seems to want the include
directories which are from the compat-glibc package. Which GCC-HOWTO didn't
mention anything about using such a package, which isn't surprising since the
packages are more RedHat specific than GCC specific...
Which HO
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
> I've noticed that in Linuxconf you can only give users shells that are
> in the valid-shells list. Does anyone know what file that info is
> actually stored in?
Note that root can give anyone any shell he wants, even if it isn't in
I just finished compiling from source. I took perhaps 8 hours on a 550 Mhz
K6-3, while I was doing other work in X. Pay special attention to setting
the QTDIR environment variable. Compliled and installed like a champ.
make install
for all the source directories, including Qt 2
Try putting the 152x support into the kernel - it
might be running into a sort of chicken-and-egg
problem - it needs to load support for a SCSI adapter
so it can mount filesystems, but the SCSI support
exists as a module, on a yet-unmounted system.
Build the 1520 stuff into the kernel.
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 10:58:11AM +0200, Olivier Thibault wrote:
| With older version of nfsd, the -r option allows remote machines to
| mount already mounted
| filesystem.
| nsfd in Redhat 6.2 hasn't this option. I tried to mount an already
| mounted filesystem. The mount
| succeeded but if i do
Hi Lance,
> My SCSI Zip Drive and
> Ricoh 6200s CD-Writer are yet to be recognized. I also have
> "append="aha152x=0x340,11,7,1" in my lilo.conf file.
If you want to load this driver at boot you will have to create an initrd.img
that contains the module (man mkinitrd). Since y
Hi Michaell and Sam,
> but
> to have a new fortune on every login, you just call /usr/games/fortune in
> the /etc/profile(or maybe the /etc/bashrc).
It's been a while since I have used Slackware, but iirc this is just what
Slackware does.
>PLEASE take this off list!
>| Peter Kiem| E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
>| Zordah IT | Mobile: +61 0418 798 121|
>| IT Consultancy &| WWW : |
This distinction between "technical" and "practical" knowledge goes back
to Aristotle ca. 500 BC. He called it a distinction between theoretical
and technical (Gk. techne), "technical" meaning being able to do something
with your hands. Similarly, Karl Marx saw differences between "theory"
With older version of nfsd, the -r option allows remote machines to
mount already mounted
nsfd in Redhat 6.2 hasn't this option. I tried to mount an already
mounted filesystem. The mount
succeeded but if i do a 'ls' of the mount point, it lists all the files
and says for each one 'no s
On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 09:30:35PM -0400, Michael George wrote:
> A think I've seen references to software that will convert from PostScript to
> GIF, TIFF, JPEG, etc, but I can't find any on my system. All I have are
> the ones which came with ghostscript and tetex. I have checked my 6.1 CDROM
Look at /etc/shells
Thanks Jalal
> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Oct 27 10:21:25 2000
> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 01:18:34 -0500
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Wilson)
> Subject: What file is "Valid shell
77 matches
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