Jenin  wrote:Hi Friends!I tried installing RH 8.0
(that came along with the bookRed Hat Linux Bible
8.0)This is a summary of what I did.I partitioned my
20BG HDD into1. 7gb Pri. Dos and installed windows 98
(to avoid windows overwriting the MBRhad I installed
it later)2. 7gb as logical drive (D: drive in windows
lang)left the remaining space for Linux doing nothing
like formatting orpartitioning. Have I gone correct
upto this?Then when I tried installing RH 8.0 or
PCQuest Linux 7.2, it would notinstall. Please let me
know how touse Disk Druid/Automatic partitioning/
Linux-fdisk and make partitions forLinux installation.
I would like to go for a workstation install.When
working with Disk Druid I get this error.Warning: Boot
partition may not meet booting constraintsfor your
architecture. Creation of boot disk is highly

***_***_***_ Comment 1:
Yes, it's just saying that it doesn't appear that a
boot partition is installable below the 8GB (original
BIOS restriction) limit. Most boot loaders (Lilo with
LBA, Grub intrinsically) can work around this. Ignore
it (but _do_ make a boot floppy). (however, I'm going
to give an example below that keeps the boot stuff
below 8GB).

It is accepting only two partitions and there after
defining the error: Cannot allocate requested
partitions. Partitioning failed

***_***_*** Comment 2:
My simple suggestion (what always worked for me) is to
first partition everything in win Fdisk. Meaning, go
ahead and partition all 20GB. Leave at least 2 or 3
partitions free for linux. One suggestion (using Linux
notation: I can't remember Win fdisk notation

/dev/hda1  7G   Win98
/dev/hda2  75M  (for Linux boot)
/dev/hda3  512M  (for Linux swap)
/dev/hda4  logical
/dev/hda5  7G    windows D:
/dev/hda6  (remaining space)   /

Just a suggestion. I'm sure someone can come up with a
better configuration. (I'll probably get slammed on
this!) Just work with it till you get the best for

Now, start your install, go into Linux fdisk, and
change the type ('t' command) according to:
/dev/hda2  -  type 83
/dev/hda3  -  type 82
/dev/hda6  -  type 83

then continue into disk druid, should be pretty


BTW, there is a RH-INstall-list. They're good over
there with this kind of stuff.

johnny i.

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