
On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 11:18 AM Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshri...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am running MySQL DB server 8.0.31
> (mysql-community-server-8.0.31-1.el7.x86_64) on the Red Hat Enterprise
> Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo) operating system and have enabled
> replication between Master and Standby.
> I am currently encountering the error Error_code: 1032; handler error
> HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND as found in mysqld.log file on Standby server.
> cat mysqld.log file
> ##################################################################################################################################
> 2023-06-12T07:34:49.698300Z 0 [System] [MY-010116] [Server]
> /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.31) starting as process 9942
> 2023-06-12T07:34:49.716114Z 1 [System] [MY-013576] [InnoDB] InnoDB
> initialization has started.
> 2023-06-12T07:34:50.203380Z 1 [System] [MY-013577] [InnoDB] InnoDB
> initialization has ended.
> 2023-06-12T07:34:50.560267Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010068] [Server] CA certificate
> ca.pem is self signed.
> 2023-06-12T07:34:50.560375Z 0 [System] [MY-013602] [Server] Channel
> mysql_main configured to support TLS. Encrypted connections are now
> supported for this channel.
> 2023-06-12T07:34:50.565553Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011810] [Server] Insecure
> configuration for --pid-file: Location '/data' in the path is accessible to
> all OS users. Consider choosing a different directory.
> 2023-06-12T07:34:50.592935Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010604] [Repl] Neither
> --relay-log nor --relay-log-index were used; so replication may break when
> this MySQL server acts as a slave and has his hostname changed!! Please use
> '--relay-log=devportal2-relay-bin' to avoid this problem.
> 2023-06-12T07:34:50.608947Z 5 [Warning] [MY-010897] [Repl] Storing MySQL
> user name or password information in the master info repository is not
> secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and
> PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax'
> in the MySQL Manual for more information.
> 2023-06-12T07:34:50.611076Z 5 [System] [MY-010562] [Repl] Slave I/O thread
> for channel '': connected to master 'replicauser@
> ',replication
> started in log 'mysql-bin.000007' at position 97065730
> 2023-06-12T07:34:50.618090Z 0 [System] [MY-010931] [Server]
> /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '8.0.31' socket:
> '/data/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server - GPL.
> 2023-06-12T07:34:50.618355Z 0 [System] [MY-011323] [Server] X Plugin ready
> for connections. Bind-address: '::' port: 33060, socket:
> /var/run/mysqld/mysqlx.sock
> 2023-06-12T07:41:32.562350Z 8 [ERROR] [MY-010584] [Repl] Slave SQL for
> channel '': Worker 1 failed executing transaction 'ANONYMOUS' at master log
> mysql-bin.000007, end_log_pos 97155197; Could not execute Update_rows event
> on table mb.cache_apigee_edge_entity; Can't find record in
> 'cache_apigee_edge_entity', Error_code: 1032; handler error
> HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; the event's master log mysql-bin.000007, end_log_pos
> 97155197, Error_code: MY-001032
> 2023-06-12T07:41:32.563449Z 6 [Warning] [MY-010584] [Repl] Slave SQL for
> channel '': ... The slave coordinator and worker threads are stopped,
> possibly leaving data in inconsistent state. A restart should restore
> consistency automatically, although using non-transactional storage for
> data or info tables or DDL queries could lead to problems. In such cases
> you have to examine your data (see documentation for details). Error_code:
> MY-001756
> ##################################################################################################################################
> I am sharing the /etc/my.cnf file for both Master and Standby MySQL DB
> server.
> Master -> /etc/my.cnf file
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # For advice on how to change settings please see
> #
> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/server-configuration-defaults.html
> [mysqld]
> #
> # Remove leading # and set to the amount of RAM for the most important data
> # cache in MySQL. Start at 70% of total RAM for dedicated server, else 10%.
> # innodb_buffer_pool_size = 128M
> #
> # Remove the leading "# " to disable binary logging
> # Binary logging captures changes between backups and is enabled by
> # default. It's default setting is log_bin=binlog
> # disable_log_bin
> #
> # Remove leading # to set options mainly useful for reporting servers.
> # The server defaults are faster for transactions and fast SELECTs.
> # Adjust sizes as needed, experiment to find the optimal values.
> # join_buffer_size = 128M
> # sort_buffer_size = 2M
> # read_rnd_buffer_size = 2M
> #
> # Remove leading # to revert to previous value for
> default_authentication_plugin,
> # this will increase compatibility with older clients. For background, see:
> #
> https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_default_authentication_plugin
> # default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
> bind-address=
> server-id=1
> log_bin = /data/mysql/logs/mysql-bin.log
> datadir=/var/lib/mysql
> socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> log-error=/data/mysql/logs/mysqld.log
> pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Standby -> /etc/my.cnf file
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # For advice on how to change settings please see
> #
> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/server-configuration-defaults.html
> [mysqld]
> #
> # Remove leading # and set to the amount of RAM for the most important data
> # cache in MySQL. Start at 70% of total RAM for dedicated server, else 10%.
> # innodb_buffer_pool_size = 128M
> #
> # Remove the leading "# " to disable binary logging
> # Binary logging captures changes between backups and is enabled by
> # default. It's default setting is log_bin=binlog
> # disable_log_bin
> #
> # Remove leading # to set options mainly useful for reporting servers.
> # The server defaults are faster for transactions and fast SELECTs.
> # Adjust sizes as needed, experiment to find the optimal values.
> # join_buffer_size = 128M
> # sort_buffer_size = 2M
> # read_rnd_buffer_size = 2M
> #
> # Remove leading # to revert to previous value for
> default_authentication_plugin,
> # this will increase compatibility with older clients. For background, see:
> #
> https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_default_authentication_plugin
> # default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
> server-id=2
> read_only = 1
> max_binlog_size = 500M
> log_bin = /data/mysql/logs/mysql-bin.log
> datadir=/data/mysql
> socket=/data/mysql/mysql.sock
> log-error=/data/mysql/logs/mysqld.log
> pid-file=/data/mysql/mysqld.pid
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please guide me. Thanks in Advance.
> Best Regards,
> Kaushal
> --
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