I have a question for yall? I am runnind R.H.5.1
with named, got the domains working but i need to know how to update the cache
because i changed some reverse dns names and it still acts like they are the old
ones? how can i update this? if you could direct all inquiers to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How do you update the sendmail aliases?
this is the error i am getting in the log file:
Aug 22 19:43:23 pert sendmail[4553]: alias database /etc/aliases.db out of
anyhelp would be appreciated please send responses to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thanks in advance...
I have some users that want to use e-mail account threw my domain... how do
I create only e-mail login not a shell account.. How would I do
this..I am using RH5.1
Thanks In
Please E-mail responses to [EMAIL PROTECTE