
> I've been recently frustrated by a network problem that I can seem to
> get my arms around. I have a 3 node network, a work machine running
> NT 4.0, a family machine running Win98, and my old family machine
> running RedHat 6.1. I am in the process of implementing the Linux box
> (Cyrix 6x86 P120+) into a firewall/proxy/print/file server, hoping it
> will be my single connection to the outside world once DSL makes it to
> my area.

First off, it's not a good idea to make the firewall anything else
except a firewall.  Try to put your file and print services on another
box.  You can build a nice one for $650.00 or so.

> Now on to the problem. Both Win boxes have LinkSys Fast Ethernet
> (10/100mB) cards in them and are connected to a 100Mb LinkSys hub.
> These two have been playing together happily for some time now. I
> put a LinkSys card in the Linux box, booted it up and it happily
> reported that it recognized the ethernet card and that I should be
> in business. I proceeded to connect it to the hub and unfortunatly
> it only partially works. When pinging the win boxes from the Linux
> box, it reports a 15-20% packet loss. When pinging Linux from either
> win box, I get the same reports. Both Sides (Linux and Win) appear
> to be sending packets out when they say they are, but every now and
> then a packet seem to slip through the "Ether".

The last time I saw a problem like this one it was for one of the
following reasons:

1. I was using the wrong driver.
2. My boot up messages in /var/adm/messages stated that the NIC was
   in half duplex mode but the switch thought the link was in full
   duplex mode.  If you are using a hub then no worries, this is only
   a problem for full duplex switches.
3. My cabling was wrong.

Are you trying to do any asymetric routing?

> I have tried swapping hub ports, cables, I even removed the LinkSys
> card and put in a Netgear FA310TX 10/100 card and am using Netgear's
> modified tulip driver. So far nothing I have tried has worked. I was
> leaning toward a setup problem, but according to all the HOWTO's, I
> have everything set up correctly.

What, exactly, does the /var/adm/messages file contain at bootup?  Can
you give us a look?  Can you give us the product numbers for the NIC?


Paul B. Brown                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brown Technologies Network, Inc.     

Systems and Applications Design, Development, Deployment, and Maintenance

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