Hello all.

 I have a favour if someone could do me.  Because of the large size 
of file XFree, Emacs, Netscape updates it would take me along time to 
download these files and cost me probably about as much as that 
actual 5.1 CD would cost me.  Is there someone out there willing to 
do a diff for me of the old SRPMS packages against the newer sytle 
ones so I can run patch over them and create the new SRPMS.   

Just as an after thought,  would it be possible to add some feature 
in rpm (Red Hat Program Manager) which would patch an existing SRPMS 
file with a special diff rpm file to create a newer SRPM.

eg.  I have foo-bar-1.2.3-2.src.rpm and I download a file 
foo-bar-1.2.3-2-1.2.3-5.diff.rpm and run rpm with whatever flags and 
it will create a foo-bar-1.2.3-5.src.rpm.

This would be a great feature to have.


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