Hi all,
My Linux machine is connected to a RAID array through
a Brocade fibre channel switch via  a Qlogic 2200
HBA(The qlogic linux HBA drivers were installed
successfully and i have a link between the switch and
the server) .I created 2 Luns , Lun0 and Lun 1 on the
array through the array controller. On my Linux
machine I have 2 SCSI drives one with Linux and the
other with Win2k, SCSI ID2 - Linux Drive and SCSI ID 1
win2k drive.When I boot up the linux machine I can see
both drives including the array controller. /dev/sdb
is my win2k drive with NTFS file system and i  see
that by issuing fdisk /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc is my
linux drive  and again no problem creating or playing
around with partitions with the fdisk utility on these
internal scsi drives . BUT when i try to create a
partition on the Array drives by issuing fdisk
/dev/sda i get an error message "unable to open
/dev/sda" doing an ls -lg sda under the /dev 
directory tells me no such file or directory exist.
but when i issue "locate sda" it tells me its under
the /dev directory.
Please help!!! 

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