Fernando Lozano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Running Red Hat Linux 7.1 and PostgreSQl 7.1.3 installed fomr the PGDG 
> rpms availabe at postgresql.org. My Java apps (using IBM Java SDK 1.3.0) 
> works fone with the database, but all accented characters (á, ã ó, ç, 
> ...) get garbaged.

>  From psql I can insert and see the acents but Java cannot insert or 
> read the accents. Is this a bug of the driver or something I can fix 
> with a simple configuration?

I believe the JDBC driver is sensitive to the character set encoding
reported by the database, because it will try to convert encodings to
what Java wants.  psql on the other hand is probably just passing the
characters through without any munging.

Try psql -l to see what encoding is reported.  You may need to drop and
recreate the database if it's the wrong encoding.

                        regards, tom lane

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