Using listman to unsbubscribe?
Sorry, but I have tried that allso. It gives "no route to host".
Peter Bech
Informi A/S
Open Systems Hardware and Software Consultants
Applix - Linux - Unix - OpenVMS - Alpha Systems
Phone (+45): 4593 76
Does anyone know how to unsubscribe to this list?
Peter Bech
Informi A/S
Open Systems Hardware and Software Consultants
Applix - Linux - Unix - OpenVMS - Alpha Systems
Phone (+45): 4593 7666 Fax: 4593 6335 Mob: 4087 7601
Web: www.infor
We use Tektronix X-terminals in our compay.
When we use Gnome, we donnot get a frame around the windows. Eg windows is
sticking to the desktop and cannot be moved around. There's no exit widget etc.
But when running Gnome from the graphics console everything is allright.
If we use KDE, we get
Sorry to use this subject to get attention. Aparently no one on this list is
concerned about Linux on Alpha.
Does anyone know another list, where Linux on Alpha is the topic?
Peter Bech
Informi A/S
Open Systems Hardware and So
Hi, does anyone out there use RH6.2 on AS800?
Peter Bech
Informi A/S
Open Systems Hardware and Software Consultants
Applix - Linux - Unix - OpenVMS - Alpha Systems
Phone (+45): 4593 7666 Fax: 4593 6335 Mob: 4087 7601
Web: www.infor
I donnot understand the fuzz regarding Al Gore on this list. Seen from abroad,
he is a serious person seeking the office for honest reasons.
G. W. Bush is a charlatan seeking the office on false grounds. He is a charming
guy that can get away with lying publically on TV. I wittnessed that in a
Do anyone have a clue, why the AlphaServer 800 is unstable with RH 6.2?
We have achieved the highest stability using the old_tulip DE500 driver and
forced it to 10Mb HDX but it still halts now and then.
Our in-house DS10 using the de4x5 driver is stable and runs and runs.
So there must be