I did not call but sent mails to listmaster and
course no answer.  To check if it was just me I
checked to archives at
moongroup and they didn't have any new messages

I agree that I would feel alot better about a
company that would stand up and
say we got nailed by an attack, some dumbshit
unplugged the NIC, hardrive
crashed, whatever the hell happened rather than
just silence.  I personally
have bought three copies of various versions of RH
and have concidered checking
out the other distros but the fact that this list
is here has kept me on
redhat.I know everyone must be busier than a one
armed paper hanger over there
but if you are going to host a service then a
blurb on the support site that
the upgrade to 6.2 wiped all the partitions (could
not resist :-) doesn't seem
too big a deal.  I looked at freshmeat, slashdot
and dejanews for some clue
before I bothered them.

The MS silent treatment doesn't cut it in my
book.  BTW the
www.redhat.com/support had problems during this
period too.

Where is good place to post/look to see if others
are having problems if they
are not up?

Does Caldera have a good mailing list?


Johnny wrote:

> Hi Rick
> It was down for me since April 8 as well.
> I don't understand why Redhat ducks this issue.
> On Monday I called Redhat and since their receptionist wouldn't say
> whether the list was down I called Redhat back and talked to their
> paid support people twice. I got the same guy twice so I guess they
> don't actually have many on staff.
> The really amusing part was when I asked him about the redhat-list
> he the support person asked me "whats a mailing list?".  Judging from
> the rest of the conversation it was obvious he really didn't know.
> What I wish Redhat would do is put a url somewhere on the RH website
> that simply said whether or not the various RH lists were currently
> functioning. It would be a great time saver for the users and for RH
> staffers.
> [of course since staffers won't say whether a list is up/down... maybe
> not]
> I think that if RH would do this it would be a positive PR benefit for
> them
> with the users.
> When the lists go down [and they do] RH wouldn't appear to
> be ducking the issue and the users wouldn't have to waste their time.
> What do you all think ?
> Johnny
> PS.  I hope this gets to the list.  I sent a test message prior to your
> message today
> and it still hasn't appeared.
> Rick Ingersoll wrote:
> >
> > I haven't received an email from the list since April 8. Is the list down
> > or is it just me? Thanks. Rick.
> > *********************************************************
> > Rick Ingersoll                Phone: 607-255-9847
> > Computer Support Specialist   FAX:   607-255-4698
> > Department of Biometrics      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Cornell University
> >       www.biom.cornell.edu/Homepages/Rick_Ingersoll
> > *********************************************************
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