>From one of my clients...
I wasn't aware of this "flavour" of XML


"D.H. Allan" wrote:
> http://www.voicexml.org/pr20000307-1.html
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                        [VoiceXML Forum]   [Press Kit]
>  [VoiceXML Forum Nav]                 VOICEXML FORUM ISSUES VERSION 1.0
>                                        Number of Supporters Grows to 79
>                             LOS ANGELES – The VoiceXML Forum today announced it
>                             has completed the VoiceXML 1.0 specification, which
>                             is expected to expand the reach of the Internet by
>                             providing voice access to content and services. The
>                             Forum membership, which now numbers 79 companies, is
>                             reviewing the specification before it is submitted to
>                             the appropriate body for formal standardization.
>                             Based on the World Wide Web Consortium’s
>                             industry-standard eXtensible Markup Language (XML),
>                             Version 1.0 of the VoiceXML specification provides a
>                             high-level programming interface to speech and
>                             telephony resources for application developers,
>                             service providers and equipment manufacturers.
>                             Standardization of VoiceXML will:
>                                * simplify creation and delivery of Web-based,
>                                  personalized interactive voice-response
>                                  services;
>                                * enable phone and voice access to integrated call
>                                  center databases, information and services on
>                                  Web sites, and company intranets; and
>                                * help enable new voice-capable devices and
>                                  appliances.
>                             On the basis of the 0.9 version of the specification
>                             released last year, many companies have already begun
>                             implementing VoiceXML in their products and services,
>                             and a market for third-party VoiceXML application
>                             development has begun to emerge. The 1.0 version of
>                             the specification, currently being reviewed by Forum
>                             members, is now available to the public on the
>                             Forum’s Web site at http://www.voicexml.org.
>                             "The telephone network has long had the potential to
>                             grow in information services and automated commerce
>                             like the Internet, but the difficulty of integrating
>                             them with quality voice services has prevented it
>                             from doing so," said William S. Meisel, president of
>                             TMA Associates, publisher/editor of the Speech
>                             Recognition Update newsletter (Tarzana, CA) and one
>                             of the speech technology industry's best-known
>                             independent analysts and consultants. "VoiceXML is a
>                             key component in letting telephone speech recognition
>                             and the Voice Web grow in Internet time."
>                             The VoiceXML 1.0 specification is based on years of
>                             research and development at AT&T, IBM, Lucent
>                             Technologies and Motorola, as well as comments from
>                             Forum members.
>                             Another 18 companies have joined the VoiceXML Forum
>                             as supporters since the 0.9 specification was issued,
>                             including Brooktrout Software; Cisco Systems;
>                             ConApps; Gold Systems, Inc.; Indicast Corporation;
>                             Intraco Systems; IP Unity; ITT Industries; Net
>                             Technologies, Inc.; Nokia Corporation; Oki Electric
>                             Company, Ltd.; Onebox.com; PipeBeach AB; S-Link
>                             Corporation; Spyglass, Inc.; SS8 Networks, Inc.; Vail
>                             Systems, Inc.; and Voyant Technologies, Inc.
>                             A number of Forum members are exhibiting here this
>                             week at CT Expo, the world’s largest trade show for
>                             providers and users of computer-telephony equipment,
>                             services, software and solutions
>                             The objective of the VoiceXML Forum is to expand
>                             Internet access through telephones and other devices
>                             using both speech and ordinary touch-tone user
>                             interfaces.
>                             The Forum recently engaged the management services of
>                             the IEEE Industry Standards and Technology
>                             Organization to facilitate its day-to-day activities.
>                             For further information, visit the Forum’s Web site
>                             (http://www.voicexml.org) or call 732-465-6464.
>                                                      ###

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