On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 06:51:10PM -0500, fred smith wrote:
> Gentlemen:
> I've just added an ATAPI cdrw drive to my system, and it seems to work
> fine. It is at /dev/hdc, and an ATAPI CD reader is at /dev/hdd. I've
> disabled IDE grabbing of hdc by adding
>       append="hdc=ide-scsi"
> to /etc/lilo.conf, have added
>       insmod ide-scsi sg
> to /etc/rc.d/rc.local and now everything seems to work fine: I can write
> data or music CDs on it, I can copy from the CDROM to the CDRW, etc.,
> using cdrecord.
> What I cannot do is use either of the CD player apps that come on RH 6.2
> (at least the two loaded on my gnome desktop, either xplaycd, or the
> no-name one. No matter how I configure them for whatever device, they 
> refuse to admit to seeing a drive or a disk in the drive for the CDRW.
> Is there a problem using a media player with an ide-scsi emulated drive,
> or is there something obvious I'm overlooking?

The device didn't have read permission. Blush.

 .----    Fred Smith    /                                                      
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