I too have noted the same air, though not on this list as I just got here.  I 
hate to see someone leave this or any other list on account of it though.  
There will be "snobs" wherever you go simply because the group is formed out 
of the human race.  (appologies to any aliens listening in)

I've found it best to handle it this way;  Glean what wisdom you can from 
those who are willing and able to think outside their own little world and 
ignore the rest.


On Saturday 29 June 2002 02:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Don Geddes wrote:
> > Before I unsubscribe I just want to make one observation. There seems to
> > be a fair amount of snobbery associated with this list and other Linux
> > forums. I was just wondering how Linux will ever challenge Windows if
> > the people using it are so elitist? I refer to certain inferences made
> > in the replies to "Crash" over the past few days. The suggestions where
> > generally quite helpful but there is an undercurrent of "how could you
> > possibly ask such a dumb question?" in them.
> >
> > I also subscribe to Linux magazine which is now almost entirely for the
> > "gear-head" which in my opinion is not helpful either.
> >
> > BTW I am an IT professional who just enjoys fiddling with Linux and
> > don't need or want to be the "know-everything" about it. I guess if
> > that's being a "Microsoft user" then so be it.
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> > Don
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> This is an unfortunate view and there might have had been some "elitism".
> However many of the contributions here are generously given which would not
> be available in the MS world.
> If everyone leaves in such a frame of mind, then eventually it will work
> against the Linux community !

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