Is someone keeping tabs on these?

Cite recent purchase of an Aristo AM-535+ (aka. AM-535 VPX), with the VIA
VT82C580VP. AFAICT, there was no problem as such with the chipset itself,
except to mention the SAME CPU (PR150) in the Aristo mo'bo, must've been
running at least twice as hot as it was (at the same jumpered settings) in
the ASUS SP97-V mo'bo. That's a very rough was PHYSICALLY
hotter..I can usually hold my heatsink, no way with the Aristo driving

  That's not the problem though...the BIOS got me :^/ Dig this..on the
ASUS mo'bo, my hda comes up with a CHS 621/64/63, and my hdb (which
carries a win95 installation) has a CHS 761/16/8 (small :). Both
motherboards agree on these issues.

The ASUS, you can choose to boot from D: and start 95, or C: boot (like
normal) etc. The Aristo has the same features...not surprizing, it's all
working on the same base Award BIOS. (I know.. I have my reasons for doing
it that way :)

  I'm thinking simple chips here, swap mo'bo, hookit all up, go thru the
BIOS issues, auto detect the hdrives..easy..F10 out and expecting a lilo
prompt, I get instead..

Error, unable to find [active partition] anywhere on HDD
Error, unable to find [active partition] anywhere on HDD

EH?! Oh no...those lines mean something, straight into BIOS, tell it to
boot from D:...sure enough, win95 boots up cleanly..hmmmm.

Scuffling about for a boot floppy...yep, can boot from floppy with
/dev/hda1 as / and so on, no problem. Get into fdisk, check the flags,
turn them on, off, indifferent...pffft! Writes to the RDB fine, everything
looks OK...will it boot for lilo? No way, same error message...

 Anyone? Is there some weirdity a PC BIOS can pick on to differentiate
which fdisk went to the RDB...or set boottable flags etc etc, because it
sure as blazes looked that way..I later completed the cycle, by actually
letting the dos fdisk at the thing..and then it did boot the hdrive. And
then put a virgin linux install on it, installed lilo...PFFFT! Back to a
missing active partition situation again..??


ps. vendor is a mate, swapped the board for something TX starting with i
in under 24hours :)

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