>Definitely not a redhat problem seeing as how redhat does not distribute
>gnu gcc as tarballs in the first place...if you are unhappy with your
>compiler for some reason (gcc is included in the rpm), then go to an
>update mirror and download the latest version of egcs...which should be
>1.1.2-30 and was just released a couple days ago.

I'm confused.  There are too many versions of gcc running around.

Part of my current problem may be because I've been doing upgrades.

Let me explain.  I've just compiled gcc 2.95.2, because of a work project.
I didn't use what is currently on the system because it is older (I think):

        mrvideo.vidiot.com.ZROOT <201> which gcc

        mrvideo.vidiot.com.ZROOT <200> gcc --version

Yet when I query the RPM database, I get this:

        mrvideo.vidiot.com.ZROOT <199> rpm -q -a | grep egcs

If 1.1.2-30 was just released, how can I have it on my computer already?
My RH 6.2 has been upgraded with the security packages on the RH site.

What is the deal with the gcc version numbering scheme, i.e., when did it
take over.  This is all very confusing when trying to sort out the
chronological evolution of the compiler.  Something tells me that egcs-2.91.66
is later than 2.95.2.

Any and all pointers regarding this will be appreciated.

    Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
    programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
    Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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