I needed to install pilot-link and lm_sensors, as well as zip and unzip 
before that. Then kde installed fine.


At 02:03 PM 1/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a system (Redhat 7.1) that I didn't install kde on when I installed 
>it. Now I'm trying to add kde. How do you get this installed? I've 
>searched the archives and people said go here for a good step-by-step. 
>Everyone I tried wa sno longer there. Anyone have a link to an updated 
>step-by-step on how to add kde?
>I've tried copying all the RPM's off disc one and running rpm -ivh 
>kde*.rpm but it fails a couple dependencies.
>Can anyone tell me where these two dependencies come from?
>Any help it greatly appreciated.
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