Title: LG studioworks 900B monitor
1. Get the manual of your LG monitor
2. Locate the section where it identifies the Horizontal (KHz) and Vertical (Hz) Refresh Rates
of your monitor
3. Run the redhat-config-xfree86 (of course, you must be root)
4. In the Advanced Tab, click
Title: LG studioworks 900B monitor
1. Get the manual of your LG monitor
2. Locate the section where it identifies the Horizontal (KHz) and Vertical (Hz) Refresh Rates
of your monitor
3. Run the redhat-config-xfree86 (of course, you must be root)
4. In the Advanced Tab, click on
redhat 9 doesn't seem to have drivers for the 'LG Studioworks 900b'
monitor and is only giving resolutions to 1024 x 768 ? Any clues?
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