I have installed LILO on the MBR, I get the prompt

LILO boot:

and can choose between 'linux' and 'dos'. This has worked nicely since
I installed RedHat 5.0 some months ago. However, since yesterday, the
machine hangs after printing 'Loading dos', if my choice is 'dos'.
'linux' still works as usual. To my knowledge, I haven't changed anything
that should affect the behavior of LILO. I have tried to rerun
'/sbin/lilo' but it doesn't help.

What can I do? Do I have to reinstall the DOS and Windows NT partitions?

Goran Brostrom
Department of Statistics              tel: +46 90 786-5223
Umea University                       fax: +46 90 786-6614
S-90187 Umea, Sweden               e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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