"Jeremy Domingue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to set up my server so that when someone telnets into it, the IP
> address they telnet to is the IP that they are "binded" to (i.e, if they get
> on IRC they show up as the IP they have telneted to, NOT the main IP address

The easiest way I know is to set up for multiple telnet daemons that each
bind to a single IP address, rather than one that binds to IPADDR_ANY.

I did this by hacking inetd to allow a line to start with "host:service"
instead of just service.

I forwarded my patches to the maintainer of inetd, but they never got
merged in.  Every time I upgrade to a new Red Hat release, I have to
rebuild netkit-base (previously NetKit-B).

An old version of the patches is available at

It may take some minor changes to make it work with the latest inetd.


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