Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone knew of a reference that gave general guidelines on 
taking over (a hostile takeover? ;) a project that seems to be abandoned.

The questions I need answered specifically have to do with..

How long should I wait for a response from the original author?

What are the best methods for finding them? (I've e-mailed the original 
address and done some searches on Google, I haven't seen anything that was 
from less then 18 months ago and that was still the address I've gotten no 
response from.)

Are there any copyright issues I should worry about? Obviously it is GPL, but 
that doesn't change who the owner is. I could fork it, but would prefer not 

Sorry, for the OT post.

Brian Ashe                                                     CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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