Steve wrote:
> Sorry for the OT post but I need some feedback on VMware
> I am thinking about format c:\ on my windows box and turning it into a linux
> server. The problem is that I still have some mission critical apps 

I've used  VMware to run Quicken without any problems (so far).  This is
only windoze app I have that I consider "mission critical."  

> that are
> winblows only and I have a few games I like to play on winblows. 

Games are likely to be a different story.  If they require DirectX
you're out of luck.  Check the VMware site for more details.
(Of course, with more games being ported to Linux...
 beware Civ:CTP, it's addictive)

> Is running
> Winblows on VMware just like having a winblows box? I mean can I run all
> the same periferals? Software run the same? Or do I give up any of the
> functionality I have running a stand alone M$ box?.

So far I like VMware.  Haven't have any problems.  It's a bit
piggy on resources, though ( it runs acceptably well on my 400Mhz K6-2
system w/ 192Meg RAM ).  

Rob Saul |

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