I have a dos partition on my RH5.0 computer that I want to serve with write
access to other machines on the network which are running NT4.0 or W95.  I
have upgraded to Samba 1.9.18p5-1 and have encryption on and passwords set
up.  All computers can now browse all published shares (including the Dos
partition) on the Linux machine but can only write to shares on the Linux
partition.  I have tried using write lists, guest ok, create masks, as well
as different mount types (msdos, vfat, umdos) but cannot figure out how to
make the Dos partition writable by these machines.

>From my smb.conf, I am currently trying the following:

  comment = Data directory
   path = /data
   valid users = computer1, computer2, user1, user2
   public = no
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   create mask = 0765

One possibly relevant piece of information is that I can only gain access to
the shares by using passwords which are assigned to the computer's machine
name-I can't get access using a log on with the user's name.


David Hattery

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