I posted this problem before and received an answer direct by email.  Since 
then I have been asked by three other SIS board owners for help on the same 
problem.  I am reposting with the apparent solution so others (including the 
RedHat people) may be aware of the problem and one solution.

When starting a RH 7.2 install on a SIS board system, hitting the 'enter' key 
for a gui install will (on some systems, not all) show a number of errors and 
lock up.  The install can be done if instead of hitting the 'enter' key , 
typing "linux mem=64m".

I had three identical 800MHz Athlon SIS machines with 128MB of memory and two 
of them installed by using the 'enter' key only, but the third needed the 
above procedure. "linux mem=128m" did not work, but using "linux mem=64m" did 
- perhaps because 32m is used for the graphics board.


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