I am running RH6.0 on an older P75 with two network cards.

The internal card ip/subnet is:
External card ip/subnet is:

I am also using Squid 2.2.STABLE4-5 installed from the rpm.

We also have another router on for our WAN at

My first question is should I enable or disable ip forwarding on the
firewall?  In either case, how do I accomplish this and test to see if it is
disabled or enabled?  One method suggested from the Firewall/Proxy how-to
was to try pinging the external card from another station on the LAN.  Does
that sound right?  What results should I see?

I had squid running and was receiving responses from it, but could not
retrieve a web page.  This sounds like my firewall rules are set wrong.  I
followed the rules in each of the Firewall, Squid (Transparent Proxy) and
IPCHAINS how-to's and do not seem able to make a connection.

Finally, our workstations here are using our router as the default gateway.
Can I use another (or the same) Linux box as my default gateway and then
configure it to redirect the internal addresses over the WAN?  If so, what
docs should I refer to in order to get started?  This would be convenient in
that I wouldn't have to configure every application that needed to get our
through our firewall, it could be decided at the firewall (or router)

I am trying to get our firm a little more interested in Linux.  If I can get
this up and running that would certainly perk a few eyebrows and make a
further foray in to it more likely.

Finally, let me say that I am still somewhat uninitiated with respect to
both Linux and this level of TCP/IP networking, so if some of the questions
seem  a bit stupid  please be patient.  I'll get it sorted out in time.

Cheers and thanks,
Robby Tanner

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