RE: HELP!!!! /bin/mail

2002-12-24 Thread aljuhani
/bin/mail is a binary file. If you have your OS RPMs run the following command: rpm -Fvh This command if applied to all RPM stored in a directory or on OS CD, It will update ONLY the installed RPMs and will not change any system configs or file structures you have. The "echo" command is used

Re: HELP!!!! /bin/mail

2002-12-23 Thread Anthony E. Greene
On 23-Dec-2002/13:30 -0600, JOHN IVY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >I accidentally fat fingered my keyboard last week >at command with su I typed: >echo mail>[EMAIL PROTECTED] > >now anytime my scripts call the /bin/mail I get a out of virtual memory >error? That should not have harmed /bin/mail,