Title: Re: Redhat-list digest, Vol 1 #4776 - 7 msgs
Hey Brian,

Woohoo, it worked! I added:

<Directory "/home">
       Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
       AllowOverride None
       Allow from from all
       Order Deny,Allow

I've got multiple sites located in peoples home directories, so I added the entire /home, and its working great. I guess you could consider this a possible security threat, but the actual permissions on /home and its user folders are such that you can only read the web folders of each user. It's good stuff. Thanks again, talk to you later,


on 7/6/02 11:40 PM, Brian Ashe at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Chet Nichols,
> On Saturday July 06, 2002 01:56, you said something about:
>> Hey,
>> For one of my virtual hosts, I made a symlink of the folder to
>> /var/www/html/site.com, used that path as the root directory for the site,
>> and it works perfectly. However, when I got rid of the link and change the
>> root directory to the actual location of /home/user/site.com/, it won't let
>> me get lists of files in folders (ie: when no index file exists), and it
>> just says "not enough permission"..it doesn't do it when I have a symlink,
>> so the permissions I have set now with the site must be okay. Does anyone
>> know whats wrong, or understand what I'm saying? Thanks in advance for the
>> help!
> You probably need a "Directory" tag.
> If you look in your httpd.conf you will probably that there is one that says
> something like...
> <Directory "/www/html">
> ...and a little below that...
> Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
> ...The above could be wildly different, but the point is that it would have
> the option for indexes. There is usually a directory tag that is for the "/"
> directory that ensures that these kinds of things can't be done for security
> reasons. It also usually allows the following of symlinks to allow that to
> work as you had stated.
> So to fix your problem (hopefully) you need to add something to the effect
> of...
> <Directory "/home/user/site.com/">
> Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
> AllowOverride None
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> </Directory>
> Of course do a little more reading if it doesn't exactly fit your needs. The
> httpd.conf file provided by RH is fairly well commented.
> Hope that helps.

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