I am still trying to get Sendmail working with two milters...Vexira Vamilter
for Anti-virus and Spamassassin via spamd.  I have Vexira filtering and
tagging each Email but Spamassassin's spamd does not appear to be doing
anything.  checking the Email logs shows nothing that would suggest that
it's being invoked.  In the process listing everything is there and appears
to be running:

  647 ?        S      0:00 sendmail: accepting connections
  656 ?        S      0:00 sendmail: Queue [EMAIL PROTECTED]:00:00 for
  666 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/spamd -d -c -a
  678 ?        SN     0:00
/usr/lib/Vexira/vexira --mailarmor --temp=/var/tmp
  682 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/vamilter -p inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  683 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/vamilter -p inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The second instance of vamilter spawned when the Spam Assassin milter
definition was plugged into the sendmail.cf

I believe I have properly invoked both milters in the sendmail.cf with the
following at the end of the sendmail.cf:

Xvamilter, S=inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED], F=R, T=S:10m;R:10m;E:10m
Xspamd, S=inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED], F=R, T=S:10m;R:10m;E:10m
O InputMailFilters=vamilter, spamd

In the Maillog, it looks like everything is running ok as per the following

Sep 26 14:11:55 tfc sendmail[647]: starting daemon (8.12.8):
Sep 26 14:11:55 tfc sm-msp-queue[656]: starting daemon (8.12.8):
Sep 26 14:11:59 tfc spamd[666]: server started on port 783
Sep 26 14:12:01 tfc vamilter[674]: engine version:
Sep 26 14:12:01 tfc vamilter[674]: vdf version:
Sep 26 14:12:02 tfc vamilter[674]: no valid license found - running in
nonregistered demo mode

However, the server simply stops processing mail altogether.  Anyone else
who has seen Spam assassin break with the recent PERL update...is this what
you saw?  Or am I off track.

I would appreciate a nudge from anyone who has tackled multiple
milters....what am I doing wrong?



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