Ah, the joys of buying a /new/ NIC... Ok, so that's the cheesy solution, but
it's cheaper than tossing the laptop off the Sears Tower. :) Thank you Jeff,
Mike, L.G., Cokey, and Eric. I really appreciate the effort - I learned a
whole lot.

# -----Original Message-----
# From: Mike Rambo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
# Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 6:54 AM
# Subject: Re: Still having a NIC problem
# Rachel Collins wrote:
# >Do you know of any way to set the negotiation manually so 
# that it forces it
# >to start at 10 or 100, or at full or half duplex? The 
# computer is dual
# >booting to Win2k so I know the card is functional, and I 
# can't find any
# >utilities on the driver disk that appear useful.
# Sorry, that's something I've never confronted before - no 
# idea how to do it.
# >Yes, I have that file and 'NETWORKING=yes'. I also tried 
# setting my IP
# >manually (to a generic and it behaves like 
# it's starting ok
# >now, but my lights are still flashing and I, of course, 
# still can't access
# >anything outside of my pc (although I can ping my pc). It 
# also still says
# >'trigger_send() called with the transmitter busy' and 'found 
# link beat' and
# >'lost link beat' whenever I try to ping something.
# This really reminds me of problems I had when I first tried 
# setting up token
# ring cards for one of the schools in the district.  I would 
# get transmitter
# busy and other similar sounding messages plus a token card 
# will flash it's
# lights until it inserts into the ring.  My problems there were with
# conflicting shared memory area's between the token and 
# ethernet cards in the
# router I was building.  I know you've dealt to some degree 
# with the IRQ
# assignment.  Have you seen anything in /var/log/messages that 
# might be a
# complaint about ioports, shared memory, or specific irq's?  I 
# think Luke
# suggested to check /proc/???/interupts (can't remember 
# exactly where it is
# :-) to see what is in use.  What did it say about irq 10?
# >I tried changing S45pcmcia to S09pcmcia so that it would 
# start first - it
# >made it think a lot harder about initializing the card, and it now
# >consistently says 'lost link beat' right after 'found link 
# beat', but no
# >other changes. What does 'found/lost link beat' mean? What does
# >'trigger_send() called with the transmitter busy' mean?
# I don't know exactly what this means.  As I mentioned above, I got
# transmitter busy messages (among others) with a shared memory 
# conflict with
# another card.  As to whether it could indicate or refer to 
# other problems -
# I don't know, but I'd guess that it could.
# >Is there another card you'd recommend I buy? ;)
# Not me personally - I don't have a laptop to use a PCMCIA 
# card in.  There
# was another post I saw down a little way that had a 
# recommendation though.
# >Chad wrote:
# >>I have a Xircom CEM56-100 that works great, (Translated: it 
# works for me
# and
# >>I've had no problems with it)
# Have you looked through any of the hardware databases to see 
# how your pcmcia
# card (or the laptop) is rated with Linux?  Have you looked to 
# see if there
# is anything helpful in the PCMCIA Howto?  There are a couple 
# of links there
# to other potential resources and you might run across another 
# list somewhere
# that deals specifically with pcmcia hardware for Linux.
# http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/PCMCIA-HOWTO.html
# That's about all I can think to suggest to you.  Sorry I 
# couldn't be of more
# help but I'm out of ideas :-(.
# Mike Rambo
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