I just wanted to say thanks to the list for the help offered on this
latest project of mine which was to create a kickstart network install
for a standard intallation.  I took it a little farther and was able to
create a distribution tree based on 6.2 that includes all the errata
upgrades, openssh and a rpm package with all the inhouse software I
needed for these machines.

I added the new rpms to my ks.cfg file and a couple of commands that set
the date from our local ntp server and sets the hardware clock.  Now all
I have to do is put the floppy in, turn the brand new machine on,
comeback in 10 minutes and reboot into a perfectly working and
configured machine that only needs the hostname and ipaddress stuff
setup to be ready to install in the field.  This is a very cool thing,
and could not have been done without this list and it's archives at

Thanks Again,


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