Ok guys...back onto this mouse lockup rubbish. Thanx to the poster about
checkiing /var/lock & /dev and assc. linkings.  They were all fine btw.
Just as a sure measure though, I removed and redid them. Gpm was something
else I hadn't actually considered, but doing the suggested gpm -K before
sending startx off, perhaps only makes a difference 'a little', but this
has been so spasmodic, as I'm sure others will testify, it's damn hard to
say...still happening regardless anyhow :)

  There's one bit everyone should note here, it's not *just* netscape. Say
I have a client running in shell..ftp transfer's go to stalled..and stay
there until timeout on connection. What gives with the screen updates
though? This is as similar with the xfer anim stopping on netscape. By
what gawdawful way is a serial port trouble related to these screen
issues? Just *why*, can *sometimes* the trouble be totally non evident,
and such like screen updates (in netscape particularly) can actually stop,
but the transfer keeps running happily in the background? This is rare,
but it does happen still....reminds me of the '1200 when it does this :)

It's just these interactions don't seem related, because it can happen
just on raw cli just off logging in, and say starting ppp from there
before startx....ie; I noticed I could get a ping to lock-up from there
even BEFORE I startx...same chyt guys, move the mouse and this jerky
blocklike cursor pops on the screen and it restarts???...what gives?
As if a mouse is any use to you then ANYHOW :) I'm stumped. I'm thinking
later of redoing my /devs by reinstalling them with a SRPM *just* incase
the build matters.

 Is this safe to do once it's up and running off the very /dev you want to
overhaul?? Sounds like it might have the potential to be nasty.

 I should mention one other thing, considering the video side of things. I
have posted this to xfree86 themselves, and still await hopefully of a
reply. Since I installed a gd-cl5464 graphicbraster 3d 4mb, it won't
screenblank to black....oh, well, occasionally it'll choose black out of
the available palette choices, but it likes the colours best, and displays
them (when it should be black) with strange vertical banding? The only way
to stop this behaviour, is to hit it with a xset s off. Something like
xlock -mode whatever, works fine though. I haven't yet tried it, (because
I can't remember if the mouse thing was then too), to put the old ark
mt2000 back in and see how things happen then. Another thing that's gone
since the cl5464 went in, is compatibility with KDE. It now smears, leaves
artifacts, trashed pixels, colour table mixups, bizarre looking screen
hacks like leaving 'zoom windows' type trails when you close a window, and
dragging windows around leaves trails...quite funny actually.

 Anyone seen this behaviour before? I've tried all the relevant options
for this chipset in XF86Config, but it seems to matter not. Anyone think
this may be tied into the mouse trouble??

..I'll change cards straight away and reconfig and see what happens..



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