Re: Using Linux to NT (NTFS)

2002-02-10 Thread David Talkington
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > This is what I am looking for, I want to be able to use a Linux boot disk on >a NT ntfs >files system and get to my files and folders through the Linux boot disk? I >have a NT box that has ntfs on it, but a ntfs boot di

Re: Using Linux to NT (NTFS)

2002-02-10 Thread AABAN34
This is what I am looking for, I want to be able to use a Linux boot disk on a NT  ntfs files system and get to my files and folders through the Linux boot disk? I have a NT box that has ntfs on it, but a ntfs boot disk woun't work. I want to use a linux boot disk an to be able access my files on

Re: Using Linux to NT (NTFS)

2002-02-10 Thread David Talkington
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Does anyone out there know of a Linux program that can be used on a NT >(ntfs) files system, so I can access the NTFS file system through a Linux >boot disk. Kernel supports that, but you'll probably have to rebuild it

Using Linux to NT (NTFS)

2002-02-10 Thread AABAN34
  Does anyone out there know of a Linux program that can be used on a NT (ntfs) files system, so I can access the NTFS file system through a Linux boot disk. Brian