
Don't know what I've done this time.

In the last day or so, whenever I login as non-root at the redhat (9) login prompt, Gnome starts to load for about a second or two but then everything freezes (including mouse) before even the redhat splash screen comes up.

This problem does not happen when I login as root, neither does it happen (bizarely enough) when I login as root, logout again and then login as non-root.

So basically it only appears to happen if I try to login as non-root straight after booting or restarting the computer.

I had a look in the XFree86 logs, and at the bottom I'm noticing a line:

AUDIT: Mon Aug 18 13:22:29 2003: 1310 X: client 4 rejected from local host

which might be related.

Anybody have ideas or maybe a procedure for diagnosing the problem (new to linux and very clueless)


Stu C

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