
Hello Friends,
        I am configuring diald,but it gives error on runnig the command:


i am here enclosing my diald.conf file with log messages would any one
help me.


 mode ppp

 connect /etc/diald/connect

 device /dev/ttyS1

 speed 115200







 include /usr/lib/diald/standard.filter



# Define default protocol rules
prule tcp tcp 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:+0:+1:+2:+3:9:9:9
prule udp udp 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:+0:+1:+2:+3:9:9:9
prule icmp icmp 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:9:9:9:9:9:9:9
prule igmp 2 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:9:9:9:9:9:9:9
prule ospfigp 89 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:9:9:9:9:9:9:9
prule any any 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:9:9:9:9:9:9:9
# Define the internet packet header fields.
var ip.ihl 0(24)&0xf
var ip.version 0(28)&0xf
var ip.tos 1(24)&0xff
var ip.tot_len 2(16)&0xffff
var ip.id 4(16)&0xffff
var ip.frag_off 6(16)&0x3fff
var ip.ttl 8(24)&0xff
var ip.protocol 9(24)&0xff
var ip.check 10(16)&0xffff
var ip.saddr 12
var ip.daddr 16
# Define the TCP packet header fields.
var tcp.source +0(16)&0xffff
var tcp.dest +2(16)&0xffff
var tcp.seq +4
var tcp.ack_seq +8
var tcp.doff +12(28)&0xf
var tcp.fin +13(24)&0x1
var tcp.syn +13(25)&0x1
var tcp.rst +13(26)&0x1
var tcp.psh +13(27)&0x1
var tcp.ack +13(28)&0x1
var tcp.urg +13(29)&0x1
var tcp.live +127
# Define the UDP packet header fields.
var udp.source +0(16)&0xffff
var udp.dest +2(16)&0xffff
var udp.len +4(16)&0xffff
var udp.check +6(16)&0xffff
# Define the ICMP packet header fields.
var icmp.type +0(24)&0xff
var icmp.code +1(24)&0xff
var icmp.checksum +2(16)&0xffff
var icmp.echo.id +4(16)&0xffff
var icmp.echo.sequence +6(16)&0xffff
var icmp.gateway +4





[root@main diald]# tail -f /var/log/messages
Jul 18 12:31:56 main chat[4056]: send (AT^M)
Jul 18 12:31:56 main chat[4056]: expect (OK)
Jul 18 12:31:56 main chat[4056]: ^M
Jul 18 12:31:56 main chat[4056]: AT^M^M
Jul 18 12:31:56 main chat[4056]: OK
Jul 18 12:31:56 main chat[4056]:  -- got it
Jul 18 12:31:56 main chat[4056]: send (ATDI3345025^M)
Jul 18 12:31:57 main chat[4056]: timeout set to 45 seconds
Jul 18 12:31:57 main chat[4056]: expect (CONNECT)
Jul 18 12:31:57 main chat[4056]: ^M
Jul 18 12:32:42 main pppd[4055]: Connect script failed
Jul 18 12:32:42 main chat[4056]: alarm
Jul 18 12:32:42 main chat[4056]: Failed
Jul 18 12:32:43 main pppd[4055]: Exit.
Jul 18 12:32:43 main pppd[4070]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: abort on (ERROR)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: abort on (BUSY)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: send (AT^M)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: expect (OK)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: AT^M^M
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: OK
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]:  -- got it
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: send (AT^M)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: expect (OK)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: ^M
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: AT^M^M
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: OK
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]:  -- got it
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: send (ATDI3345051^M)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: timeout set to 45 seconds
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: expect (CONNECT)
Jul 18 12:32:44 main chat[4071]: ^M
Jul 18 12:33:29 main pppd[4070]: Connect script failed
Jul 18 12:33:29 main chat[4071]: alarm
Jul 18 12:33:29 main chat[4071]: Failed
Jul 18 12:33:30 main pppd[4070]: Exit.
Jul 18 12:33:30 main pppd[4078]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: abort on (ERROR)
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: abort on (BUSY)
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: send (AT^M)
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: expect (OK)
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: AT^M^M
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: OK
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]:  -- got it
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: send (AT^M)
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: expect (OK)
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: ^M
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: AT^M^M
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: OK
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]:  -- got it
Jul 18 12:33:31 main chat[4080]: send (ATDI3345064^M)
Jul 18 12:33:32 main chat[4080]: timeout set to 45 seconds
Jul 18 12:33:32 main chat[4080]: expect (CONNECT)
Jul 18 12:33:32 main chat[4080]: ^M
Jul 18 12:34:17 main pppd[4078]: Connect script failed
Jul 18 12:34:17 main chat[4080]: alarm
Jul 18 12:34:17 main chat[4080]: Failed
Jul 18 12:34:18 main pppd[4078]: Exit.
Jul 18 12:34:18 main pppd[4093]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: abort on (ERROR)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: abort on (BUSY)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: send (AT^M)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: expect (OK)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: AT^M^M
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: OK
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]:  -- got it
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: send (AT^M)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: expect (OK)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: ^M
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: AT^M^M
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: OK
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]:  -- got it
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: send (ATDI3345069^M)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: timeout set to 45 seconds
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: expect (CONNECT)
Jul 18 12:34:19 main chat[4094]: ^M
Jul 18 12:35:04 main pppd[4093]: Connect script failed
Jul 18 12:35:04 main chat[4094]: alarm
Jul 18 12:35:04 main chat[4094]: Failed
Jul 18 12:35:05 main pppd[4093]: Exit.
Jul 18 12:35:08 main pppd[4804]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: abort on (ERROR)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: abort on (BUSY)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: send (AT^M)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: expect (OK)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: AT^M^M
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: OK
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]:  -- got it
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: send (AT^M)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: expect (OK)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: ^M
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: AT^M^M
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: OK
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]:  -- got it
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: send (ATDI3345025^M)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: timeout set to 45 seconds
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: expect (CONNECT)
Jul 18 12:35:09 main chat[4806]: ^M
Jul 18 12:35:21 main identd[4808]: Connection from localhost
Jul 18 12:35:21 main identd[4808]: from: ( localhost ) for:
1869, 25




                /var/log/messages2  (sometimes it shows this message)

[root@main diald]# tail -f /var/log/messages
Jul 18 12:39:45 main modprobe: can't locate module tap7
Jul 18 12:39:45 main modprobe: can't locate module tap8
Jul 18 12:39:45 main modprobe: can't locate module tap9
Jul 18 12:39:45 main modprobe: can't locate module tap10
Jul 18 12:39:45 main modprobe: can't locate module tap11
Jul 18 12:39:46 main modprobe: can't locate module tap12
Jul 18 12:39:46 main modprobe: can't locate module tap13
Jul 18 12:39:46 main modprobe: can't locate module tap14
Jul 18 12:39:46 main modprobe: can't locate module tap15
Jul 18 12:39:46 main diald[5900]: start sl1: SIOCSIFMETRIC: Operation not
Jul 18 12:40:00 main kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully




                /sbin/ifconfig    (this is status on giving  ifconfig

[root@main diald]# /sbin/ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:C9:9F:5C:A1
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:443848 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:454136 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          Interrupt:9 Base address:0x1020

eth0:0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:C9:9F:5C:A1
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          Interrupt:9 Base address:0x1020

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
          RX packets:13121 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:13121 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

sl0       Link encap:Serial Line IP
          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:10




this is status of        ps ax | grep diald             command

[root@main diald]# ps ax | grep diald
 2711 ?        S<     0:00 /usr/sbin/diald



I am thankful for ur consideration.


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