Re: eth0 does not start at boot

2002-01-30 Thread Kevin Breit
On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 12:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > The machine I just installed RH7.2 on does > bring eth0 up on boot. It is all configured > so I could add ifup eth0 to rc.local. However > I was wondering what I need to change to > make it come up to start with. This is the > third machine I

eth0 does not start at boot

2002-01-30 Thread hanfamily
Hi all, The machine I just installed RH7.2 on does bring eth0 up on boot. It is all configured so I could add ifup eth0 to rc.local. However I was wondering what I need to change to make it come up to start with. This is the third machine I have running RH7.2 and it is the first one with this prob