> From: Chris Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: users & groups accross many systems
> I'm beginning to setup a cluster here, and most of the nodes will
> be disk-less (and thus nis isn't needed), but for those that will
> have their own hd, is nis the best way to have the same users on
> all machines? Or is there something better.
> Also, is nfs much faster in 2.1? This network is going to be loaded
> w/ nfs stuff (seeing as how 10 computers will be disk-less), and
> I'll need all the performance I can get.
> Chris
I have 35 computers which boots Linux RedHat 5.0 with bootP and NFS  
root. they have a hard disk but I use it only for swap partition.
And It work fine.
For exemple :
to boot = 24 seconds
to launch X with KDE-Beta3 = 25 seconds
to launch NetscapeCommunicator4 = 17 seconds

The server is a Intel BB440FX PII 266 . 128Mo
Intel EtherExpress pro 100B

the clients are P166

It is connected on a 100M switch port and clients are
connected to 16 port HUBs which are connected to 10M switch port

On this VLan we have 100 computers (Linux, W95, NT , HPUX)

If you want more precisions, ask me.

*  Wilfrid Gaboriaud
*   La Rochelle
*  France
*  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*  http://www-iut.univ-lr.fr/
*  Mime Mail are Welcome

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