epending on the ownership of the source data,
but are useful if you want to make sure you aren't prevented from
retrieving any files. 'man rsyncd.conf' for more details.
I use both methods (rsync as a daemon and rsync over ssh) for a variety of
purposes and have found rsync
Søren Neigaard writes:
> Hi
> If I use the following command manually:
> /usr/bin/rsync --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh -aurvlq --delete /projects/
> MY_IP_ADDRESS:/projects
> I get asked for the root password, and "projects" gets syncronized :)
> But how do I do this from a bash shell script
If I use the following command manually:
/usr/bin/rsync --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh -aurvlq --delete /projects/
I get asked for the root password, and "projects" gets syncronized :)
But how do I do this from a bash shell script, so that it automatic uses the
root password?