Patrick Nelson wrote:
RH72 with ucd-snmp v4.2.3-
I installed ucd-snmp plus ucd-snmp-utils, set up my snmpd.conf and started
the snmpd. Tested it with a few things like snmpwalk and snmpget and
snmptranslate, all worked fine. Then when I tried to do an snmpset I got
RH72 with ucd-snmp v4.2.3-
I installed ucd-snmp plus ucd-snmp-utils, set up my snmpd.conf and started
the snmpd. Tested it with a few things like snmpwalk and snmpget and
snmptranslate, all worked fine. Then when I tried to do an snmpset I got an
error. Here the call:
snmpset sysCo